The 83rd Carnival of the Vanities is hosted by Southern Musings, who covered a lot of ground -- especially considering that "the one week I am busy beyond belief is the week I am the host."

I appreciate Anastasia's hard work!

And here are few posts I especially liked:

  • Dissecting Leftism debunks the lie that Americans are shorter because of "poor nutrition."
  • There's more on Air America from the Smarter Cop, who notes the absurdity of the "public airwaves" nonsense.
  • Porphyrogenitus analyzes what Kerry's response to a heckler says about Kerry.
  • Smallest Minority demolishes one of the more dishonest gun control tactics: calling adults children. (A tactic I have complained about before.)
  • Pseudopsalms fisks Michael Moore, whose anti-American appetite seems to grow almost as fast as the rest of him.
  • Fried Man analyzes Mogadishu and Fallujah.
  • And finally, Beth Mauldin -- a blogger totally new to me -- shares an inspiring thought about blogging:
    As a lesbian or a Christian or whatever, I've always believed that the only way to change someone's views, stereotpyes and perceptions of lesbians or Christians is if they get to know me and I don't exactly fit those views, stereotypes and perceptions. It has to be on an individual basis. Same for me, if I don't know any people who are pretty different from me, then I can depersonalize those types of people and see them as - well - them. And we all know what "we" can do to "them".

    Blogs have the ability to bring a lot of "we" into conversations with a lot of "them". That's the value of reading someone write about a lot of topics over a period of time, I'm more likely to find something we have in common, which makes them a little less "them".

    (Less us-versus-them would be a very good thing!)
  • There are plenty more, but it isn't my job to review them. They're all great, so go read 'em!

    posted by Eric on 04.21.04 at 11:02 PM


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    Thanks for the link love!

    Beth   ·  April 22, 2004 02:00 AM

    Thanks for the nice insight (with which I wholly agree).

    Eric Scheie   ·  April 22, 2004 10:58 PM

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