Stop politicizing Ishtar!

Indymedia classifies as "animal abuse" the play in which an actor dressed as the Easter Bunny was whipped:

Now, some Christians are even abusing animals to make their point, after the Torture of the Christ movie fever.
Um, wrong. It might have been child abuse to make kids watch the scourging of the Easter Bunny, and it was in grotesquely bad taste. (Considering the origins of the Easter Bunny, it was also a blatant display of anti-Paganism.) But using a human to portray a fictitious animal is not animal abuse no matter what is done to the actor.

Following this, an astute Indy commenter remarks,

Let's Whip Bush's Ass and Crucify Him Too
Right on, Indymedia! First it's American special forces pretending to be Shiite torturers of Japanese civilians, and now, reprisals against Bush for crimes against "animals."

These Indymedia people strike me as more dangerous than the nuts who whipped the Easter Bunny, and crazy enough to make the latter seem almost sane by comparison.

I should stress that I said almost sane:

We are after your Easter bunny. We have a holy sword called the Word of God and we will not quit until it is dead. That cute bunny has to go if you are going to be blessed by staying in step with the Holy Spirit. You priests, if you are not going to be false prophets, must repent, and teach and demand what is in accordance with the Word of God.
Religion can be almost as bad as politics.

Put all your eggs in one basket, and you can lose your head!

Um, I don't think the Easter Bunny lost his head, though. Careless humans misplaced it.


Happy Easter!

UPDATE: I wonder whether Indymedia will report real animal abuse -- by Palestinian mob. Disgusting and cruel. Retaliating against an animal because one hates a human is about as low as you can get. I am reminded of the occasion when the Ayatollah Khalkali gouged the eyes out of a live horse which had belonged to the Shah of Iran.

posted by Eric on 04.11.04 at 06:07 PM


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