Peter Jennings thinks you should be demoralized

And I disagree.

A little more than two years ago, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was captured and murdered, his head cut off and displayed as a grisly trophy, and all of this was put into the famous Islamofascist snuff film.

Viewing this film was thought to be bad for morale. The FBI even tried to stop web sites from displaying it. The major media didn't show it, obviously, because it was thought to be demoralizing.

Curiously, such "demoralization" seems to be more acceptable now (check out Glenn Reynolds' links), but I think Americans are made of stronger stuff.

Before I really began blogging, I reviewed the Daniel Pearl video, comparing it to the widely circulated World War II photograph of an allied airman beheaded by Japanese soldiers:

It was originally felt by military censors that the photograph would prove demoralizing, but it turned out to have just the opposite effect: it heightened the determination of our soldiers to kill the evil bastards who did the shocking deed, in short, to kill the enemy.

I would suggest that every American download the Daniel Pearl video, watch it, and remind himself that we are in a war, and that there is a detestable, bloodthirsty enemy whose stated goal is to do to all of us exactly what they have shown themselves doing to Daniel Pearl.

I do not believe watching this film shows any disrespect for Daniel Pearl or his family, and I suggest that the best way to respect the memory of Daniel Pearl (lest his death be in vain) is to watch the film, and then resolve that it is time to AVENGE DANIEL PEARL.

Did we need a reminder that we are at war and that the enemy is not nice?

Today's news is another reminder.

Did we need one? There is a reason for the murders, and especially for the mutilations. The enemy wants us to be horrified. Scared. Demoralized.

I submit that Americans should be horrified. And angry at the people who did it, as well as those behind it.

But demoralized? Viewing the photographs in today's newspapers should not be any more demoralizing than viewing the Daniel Pearl video.

It shouldn't be forgotten that the people who did it want you to be demoralized!

Rather than be demoralized, I suggest watching the Pearl Video again. You might start by reading this web site, too, which supplies a link to the video.

If the above does not work, or it's too slow, you can also stream it right here.

I know it's an old film now, but the message is the same. I guess it's become a timely classic.

UPDATE (May 13, 2004): I feel the same way about the beheading of Nick Berg as I do about Daniel Pearl, and I decided to make that video available, too. Interested readers can stream or download it by going here.

MORE (6-18-04): I feel the same way about the savage murders of Paul Johnson and Robert Jacobs that I did about the butchery of Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg, and I have made more material available (videos, photos, links, plus additional discussion) here and here for all who are interested.

The argument that the CIA is butchering all these Americans in some sort of "false flag" operation is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid....

posted by Eric on 04.01.04 at 11:48 AM


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I'll probably have a lot more to say after I review your comments and others posted on this site. This is the first I've come across this site. I am relieved to see someone in this world of consistent blaming the US still referring to the ones who committed this act as the enemy. Thanks.

Elizabeth   ·  May 14, 2004 11:32 PM

what i could see made me sick, you cant really see them cutting but you new they were (it is very blury) then next i saw them pulling on his head and then trying to cut it fully off, i really dont understand how some one could do that to any one, but it makes you think any one really could do it to you and you dont no who or were and thats the sick part of it. i would really like to see the Daniel Paurl video if you have it please e mail me with the web address please.

melissa   ·  May 15, 2004 01:26 AM

The problem with sick people who do things like that is when they run out of "infidels" to kill, they turn on eachother. There is no "cause" that they are fighting for, they just want to kill non-muslims. They are all brainwashed from a young age, that's also what makes them dangerous. If they can kill themselves without blinking an eye, killing anyone else is no big thing. They must be stopped - they are the same as the Nazis

Lenny Lyon   ·  May 16, 2004 12:37 PM

Have you noticed that almost every server/web-sites that were showing the beheading videos are now "currently having problems"? Hmmmmm, seems kinda strange to me.

ronny   ·  May 18, 2004 01:34 PM

Dear sir,
I never thought I could see the Nick Berg video,but after awhile I did find 1:02 seconds of it . Where they beheaded the boy.This reminded of Daniel Pearl. Their fates were never sealed. Very true in Nick Berg's case from what info I did find the animals that did this wanted to trade his life for that of some the prisnors that are being held at the jail in which our army is over seeing. If this is in fact then we our goverment is just as much at fault as the animals that this horrendous act upon the boy and his family.Carmen

carmen   ·  May 20, 2004 12:01 AM

There is a difference when you hear about a dramatic event, and when you see a dramatic event. The public needs to see what happened to reach the degre of horror, because those videos show the tremendous monstruosity of this fanatics. Whether the public is mature enough or can take it is personal, but no one should decide for the others. However, we should be aware that we are dealing with brainwashed predators. For them, kindness = weakness, generosity = pity, education = weapon, and so on. Know who "they" are, what "they" can do. Do not hide behind morale issues or religious beliefs, face the truth. Those videos show a bad propaganda. Who would go for a cause that kill young men like that?

La puce   ·  May 26, 2004 05:54 PM

bush needs his ass wooped

albert moore   ·  May 27, 2004 03:05 PM

I never accept and support this thing that this ppl do to this man but did you ever think what american soldier's try to do thousands miles away for their homeland? trying to give these ppl their freedom. hah hah hah. if you belive this shit you must be fool. If you live now in prosperity in your sweet homes, that's becouse the ppl of the other side of the world is suffering... your goverment is playing dirty games and innocent ppl is paying the price

zeroide   ·  June 2, 2004 07:55 AM

Can you email me the Daniel Pearl video?

Brenda   ·  June 2, 2004 05:28 PM

Hi, i was born in 19/11/1990
Ive seen the nick berg video and im vert disappointed the way people treat others..I mean i keep thinking every nite how can someone do such a horrible thing to someone else. It really hurts me inside because these things are real. Ive seen movie but i was never hurt like this. I hope God will do something about because no one else can. I pray for Nick Berg and his family when i found it. We should do something about this..I dont want to see any more if these hell like acts from human beings.

Cuong Cao   ·  June 18, 2004 10:14 AM

I have seen the Nick Burg death film and the pics of Mr. Johnson and I have to say, it did scare me, then 10 seconds later, I was pissed. After seeing the Nick Burg video, I knew we needed to be there, In Iraq, fighting those filthy ragheads. If this war is not fought over there, it will be fought in our country, and we don't want those sick bastards here!!! So I support our troops and President Bush.
God Bless AMerica.

Stephanie   ·  June 18, 2004 09:33 PM

First of all,I think we need to cut the shit with the ignorant name calling.If a black man beheaded you're father,would you call the rest of the black community filthy niggers.Unless you were a racist,I think not.Rest assured,that these murdering assholes will be dealt with in the afterlife,and there is a very dark cavern in hell waiting for them

jesse   ·  June 19, 2004 11:40 PM


juicycash   ·  June 27, 2004 04:54 AM

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