Dropping off....

The 39th Bonfire of the Vanities is hosted by Founder, Kevin Aylward, who reports that "the scheduled host dropped off the face of the earth."

The earth is a hell of a thing off of which to drop, but I admire Kevin's diligence, because I love the idea of a blog roast, and I try to never miss it. It makes me less self conscious to be able to offer posts knowing they'll be burned. Of course, Kevin did not forget me; he not only ridicules my "obsession" with reptilian sex, but he opines that "the guy with the panda blog was less than thrilled" to be mentioned in my post!

I am crushed, Kevin! Only a python could have crushed me more!

My old blogfriend Michael Demmons talks about those tunes you just can't get out of your head.

Then there's Alex and dirty underwear

I couldn't resist mentioning Susie -- discussing a Peace Plan from (major GULP!) Frank J.!

Or Kevin, now in love with Noam Chomsky!

What's the world coming to? Maybe I should turn on, tune in, and drop off....

posted by Eric on 03.31.04 at 06:56 PM


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I love you, Eric! (in case I don't say it enough)

Susie   ·  March 31, 2004 07:46 PM


I am BLUSHING! Thanks!

Love you too!

Eric Scheie   ·  April 1, 2004 12:12 AM

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