Strange bedfellows in the politics of blame?

Let's see. According to the New York Times, we do not have enough information to know whether the latest terrorist attack was Marxist, or Islamofascist in nature.

But at least they admit the ETA is Marxist.

What I can't help notice is that there already seems to be a political division where it comes to finger pointing. Those on the "right" such as Fox News, lean towards Al Qaida, while those on the left clearly seek to have the ETA blamed.

But isn't radical Islamic fundamentalism right wing, and ETA left wing?

Why would the "left" be so keen to blame its own?

I certainly hope the decision has nothing to do with which terrorist group is a greater threat to the United States!

UPDATE: Since I wrote the above, more evidence has come in linking the attack to Al Qaida -- Spanish intelligence now being 99% convinced "that bombings were Islamic terrorism and not ETA." Unbelievably, demonstrators are already blaming their own country -- and presumably Bush -- instead of the attackers. Jeff Jarvis has more. (Via Glenn Reynolds.)

Precisely what I feared in my previous post.

Does that mean if it had been the ETA it wouldn't have been their country's fault?

posted by Eric on 03.13.04 at 02:24 PM


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Interesting spectrumology: the Left vs. the Left, the Right vs. the Right. Wanda vs. Mauhatt and Dawn vs. Mrs. Haight.

I notice that radical Leftists hate Christopher Hitchens, while the radical anti-homosexual Right hate Andrew Sullivan, a homosexual conservative, much more than they hate an avowed Leftist like Richard Golstein. They hate homosexual marriage more than homosexual promiscuity, just as during the Clinton years, they hated the idea of homosexuals in the military even more than they hated a herterosexual draft dodger.

As to why the Left defend Al Quaida and shift the blame to a Marxist group, I think it _does_ have much to do with Al Quaida being much more of a threat to America and the West. The Left today is increasingly nihilist more than anything else. Marxism is passe. Totalitarian Islam has become the new Communism. To use Spengler's term, I think Islam has become the "Second Religiousness" of the Left.

As to why certain radicals of the Right such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson denounce their Middle Eastern counterparts, I think it has to do with seeing themselves in the mirror and not liking what they see, so they proceed to smash the mirror.

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