Aim true in love!

Today is not quite Valentine's Day, but it's Friday the Thirteenth (and Online Test Day at Classical Values) I'm, well,


This first test -- "What Gun Are You? -- gave me a result I can more than live with, a good kick! (Guns and Valentine's Day are an old tradition, of course....)

Shoy Gun
What Gun Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Via Marie at Ordinary Galoot

Cupid used a bow and arrow, but only because that was the state of the art weaponry in ancient times. Considering that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, if I am Cupid, then Cupid is well armed!

For Valentine's Day, the next test promises to tell you what love means to you!

Your a very warm person who wants to be loved for who you are. Love means the world to you but you want it to be right. You have a vision of perfection when it comes to true love.
Your a very warm person who wants to be loved for
who you are. Love means the world to you but
you want it to be right. You have a vision of
perfection when it comes to true love. Just
remember, love is always perfect, but people
never are. You gotta be willing to take the
good with the bad, just as you want people to
except that about you.

What does love mean to you?
brought to you by Quizilla


UPDATE: Whoa, there! I just spotted something I didn't write in the above description, and it worries me, because I think it may be an error, but it can be read three ways.

Do I really want people to "except that" about me? How do they know I don't want them to expect that? Or maybe even accept that?

posted by Eric on 02.13.04 at 06:08 AM


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"Except" wasn't the only grammatical error - the use of "Your" when it's supposed to be "you're" drives me crazy, from BART postings to elementary school. In a high tension mood I took a blue pencil to my child's school newsletter and handed it back to one of the administrative underlings -I didn't make any friends. These are the people who are supposed to be teaching our children how to read and write, and they can't even proof read their own stuff; I can't tell you how much it troubles me to receive an invitation to a child/parent event with the headline "Your Invited" - but I'm happy to report they haven't made that particular mistake in the 2 years since. Maybe they learned? Happy Valentine's Day. No massacres here please.

d dethier   ·  February 13, 2004 08:39 PM

Intense, possessive, sexual love for me. Some kind of big gun that shoots from an airplane. Love and guns, they go so well together. Love your quizzes, every Friday a special treat. Thank you.

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  February 14, 2004 11:35 PM

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