Divide and Conquer --

Divide and Conquer -- An Ancient Strategy

Joel Mowbray demonstrates that the word "neocon" (I guess that's less of a mouthful than "neoconservative") is becoming new code language for "Jew."

As someone who tries to be "bicoastal" (as contradictory a mouthful as "bisexual') I have seen anti-Semitism on both coasts, although considerably more on the East than on the West Coast. I am quite accustomed to euphemisms and code language; for years I have heard snide inside references to "New York types." (Wink-wink!) "Neocon" strikes me as a clever way of attempting to insinuate a new, "bipartisan" anti-Semitism by bringing together elements of the older anti-Semitic right with the newer anti-Semitic left. (Reminds me of certain unholy alliances during the Seattle anti "globalization" campaign….)

Americans hate bigotry and I hope these cheap demagogues fail big time!

And here's some good news about someone who is really going the extra mile to stop such reckless Culture War divisiveness…

David Horowitz has come under an enormous amount of fire because of his earlier statements against extreme intolerance by certain moral conservatives. It took courage for him to speak up, and now that he is catching heat for it, he has refused to back down.

His piece is entitled "Render Unto Caesar," and it is another masterpiece. Be sure to read it!

My worst nightmare is that if reasonable people do not speak out, unethical politicians in this country will continue to push relentlessly towards a false dichotomy already taking form, where the official choice will be, simply: Marxism versus Fundamentalism.

That to me is not right versus left, it does not represent the American people's thinking, and indeed, it is not a choice at all. But if the shut out libertarian majority doesn't speak up, these loudest and most obnoxious minorities of the two parties will have their way, and it won't be an either/or situation.

We'll get both!

Freedom will not be on the menu.

That, unfortunately, is the dark side of power!

posted by Eric on 05.28.03 at 12:03 AM


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