How to Survive Religion-Based

How to Survive Religion-Based Government Cuts

A sign of the times? Beep beep! Move over John Ashcroft! Latest news on godly government: Highway 666 is gone!

Beastly traffic jams will have to move elsewhere.

I have mixed feelings, but I guess at least stuff like this won't be happening on Highway 666 anymore.

My source for the 666 story, Ibidem, also has a very touching story with tips from Saudi Arabia's new executioner on overcoming stage fright . The guy is a real trip; he cuts off heads, hands, legs off men, women, anybody.

“It doesn’t matter to me: Two, four, 10 — As long as I’m doing God’s will, it doesn’t matter how many people I execute,”
Boy am I jealous!

At first he was nervous because "many people were watching, but now stage fright is a thing of the past." Learn from a pro! (Good advice for any new blogger...)

Get ahead!

posted by Eric on 06.07.03 at 02:15 PM


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