Get the Jews Homos

Get the Jews Homos Out of Our Theaters Sewers!

Andrew Sullivan is annoyed by Brent Bozell's amazing discovery that the theater industry is full of (gulp!) homos. This, Bozell claims, makes the theater a "sewer" (presumably from its infestation with the slimy, icky homos -- or as the great William S. Burroughs used to say, "faggot slime oozing osmosis.")

Bozell's startling findings remind me of the way it dawned on some highly perceptive folks back in the 1960s that professional wrestling is "fixed!"

Whoa! You're kidding! No way!!

"Next you'll be telling me Liberace was gay!" "Or my wife's hairdresser!"

These are times that try real men's souls.

Now, I could see Mr. Bozell's point if theater attendance were drying up because the public was turned off by grotesque sodomitic performances. After all, they need to sell tickets, and if they don't, well, they'll all be out of business. But the last time I looked, you had to book theater tickets in New York months in advance (I think it was a year in advance for "The Producers" -- doubtless a gay theme because it involves the very gay Adolf Hitler). So, if tickets are selling, I am not quite sure what Bozell's point is exactly.

I did read once about affirmative action for basketball teams. Apparently, if the teams don't include a smattering of white players, white people just won't buy tickets. Perhaps the homos who run the entire theatrical industry should mull over the Bozell complaint, and treat it as a plea for a little affirmative action. (That way, heterosexual actors won't have to pass themselves off as gay in order to get work.)

Hey, I thought the Jews were supposed to be running these things! What happened, did they sell the theater industry out to the homos, or did the homos just sneak in and take it over?

As I have said before, if homos make you sick, then by all means, go get sick! You have a constitutional right to be sickened by anything and everything which sickens you. Just don't get mad at me for not puking. (In fact, excuse me while I don't puke!)

I have to admit, I have never watched the Tony Awards in my life. (You know, too boring! Too many "theater types.") But I sure am glad Bozell's watching, because somebody has to tell us what's going on.


Next Bozell will claim that he really wasn't demanding the theater industry be purged of homos per se; he just wants to push them back into the closet.

I agree! These awful homo show people should be forced to go straight back into the closet -- right now!

And furthermore, they must do so publicly!

posted by Eric on 06.17.03 at 07:23 PM


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