The "Gate" opens in

The "Gate" opens in Iran?

Today, July 9, is a big, big day in Iran. Not only is this the day designated for the general strike, but its historical importance cannot be underestimated. The "Bab" (Farsi for "Gate") was martyred on this date in 1850, but his revolutionary ideas cannot be kept down.

To understand why July 9 is such a big deal, this wonderful Tennessee news item I found will get you started.

I blogged about this before, here, and if you didn't read it, please do, as it contains more good links.

I think this is an important enough issue that I am taking advantage of the increased traffic caused by Glenn Reynolds' very generous recent link to my post on Michael Savage by staying up late and repeating myself a little.

Persia is a proud and ancient culture of people who want to help lead the civilized world, not retard it. They are sick and tired of being under the yoke of Medieval mullahs, and they deserve our support, our love, and a better understanding and appreciation of Persia's place in the history of civilization.

Religious tolerance is not new in Persia. It happened before and it will happen again.

It may be happening right now.

UPDATE: Not so fast! Instapundit reports that the big strike has been canceled.

I agree that success through patience is far preferable to another Tiananmen-style slaughter. If Iranians can topple the Medieval mullahocracy without a bloodbath, their country will be a better place for it. So will the world.

posted by Eric on 07.09.03 at 01:31 AM


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