Take Their Children Away

Do the lefties have any idea how totalitarian they sound? How fascist? How communist?

( Starts at about 1:27 in )

If you want a list, look at the items under the main video at this link.  






2 responses to “Take Their Children Away”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    Sow the wind reap the whirlwind. (its biblical) I didn’t hear to many on the right complain about kent state, the assignation of fred hampton and mark clark, the cointel program, iran/contra cia drug dealing to black school children, the firing of phil donahue, attacks on seymore hershe abu graib coverage and black children being killed from frank rizzo in phil. to tamer rice in cleveland. My side has been called traitors since the vietnam war to now the squad who have constant death threats to this day. Congress men paul gosar, andy biggs and mo brooks were giving a tour of congress pointing out where AOC and pelosi’s office were. Now its the rights turn to be treated like the sla! No whining please.