Calm Before The Storm

( About 1 minute )


This video is from Oct 6, 2017.






4 responses to “Calm Before The Storm”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    Which side of the edmund pettis bridge are you on? With those trying to vote Or with ted cruz, josh howley,ron johnson and trump trying to stop them from having their votes count?

  2. Simon Avatar

    I’m on the side of “votes by bots don’t count”.

    If you need an ID to apply for welfare you need an ID to vote.

    You want people to have confidence in elections. Otherwise people suspect Chinese interference. Which would bring in the military.

  3. captain*arizona Avatar

    Simon your side keeps looking for bots that voted But can’t find any evidence because that is not what happened. I told you how trump lost and why. Also I have no problem with national voter id and many democrats are willing to support it. Guess who doesn’t want national voter id. Republicans. Why? Because they couldn’t stop enough citizens from voting democrat. Last election a voter tried to vote in line with me with a drivers license that had been suspended for being behind in child support and was fined. until he payed the fine and unsuspended his license he couldn’t vote as id was not valid. How is this stoping voter fraud. Republicans want state ids that republicans can manipulate. Democrats in NY play games also.

  4. nomen nescio Avatar
    nomen nescio

    Yes. The most beloved incumbent President since Reagan lost to a guy whose rallies drew more hecklers than supporters. Yes. We all believe that. None of us saw the midnight vote dumps in dozens of states simultaneously, all after it was announced that counting had ceased and observers were ordered out. That’s all very credible. Right.