Trump Is Being Destroyed By His Terrible Ideas

The video points out that the left was once in the vanguard about doing something about labor conditions in China. Trump (who is no Republican) is actually doing something and our “left” is up in arms and in effect supports Chinese practices.

It gets better. It is absolutely brilliant to have a Black guy supporting slave labor. I think this fits. “There are so many different kinds of stupidity, and cleverness is one of the worst.” – Thomas Mann

( About 10 minutes )

Styx is really fired up about this. If you want to watch a good rant watch the whole thing.






3 responses to “Trump Is Being Destroyed By His Terrible Ideas”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    free trade hurts american workers many of which jobs have been destroyed only the rich internationalists benefited. that is why industrial workers support trump and won him the election. to many democrats joining free traders to fight trump on the principal that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. industrial workers are democrats not the enemy.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    apple needs to be hurt for consorting with china.

  3. captain*arizona Avatar

    blue collar workers job numbers exploding thanks to trump policy. as a democrat wanting to see democrats elected this doesn’t help. its not just white working class but minority working class benefiting. establishment democrats and their running dogs in media will rue the day they stole nomination from bernie sanders