Not blogging much these days…

I’m sick of three topics:

1) Trump

2) Race

3) Gender

Problem is, they are the dominant political/academic/media topics in a country still called the United States of America.

So I’m mostly doing ceramics.

What choice do I have?

Whatever opinions I might have on the above topics are as irrelevant as they are redundant, and because I dislike arguments I see no point in rehashing old ones or starting new ones. (I have said what I think for many years, damn it!)

I started this blog more than 15 years ago, but I’d be crazy if I didn’t sometimes wonder why I pay by the month to keep it going.

(Shit, people who Google me think I’m a longtime nut who hasn’t done a good enough job of keeping up my status of being a nut, which ought to be more embarrassing…. but still, there’s that freedom thing!)






5 responses to “Not blogging much these days…”

  1. Simon Avatar

    Think of all the links that will go dead. It would be a shame.

    How much a month does it cost?

    And BTW isn’t Trump ending the Drug War absolutely the best news we have had for 50 years?

    I have some other news. I’ll send you an e-mail.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Trump ending the Drug War would absolutely be the best news we have had for 50 years. I’d like to see it.

  3. Frank Avatar

    It’s sometimes called burnout, Eric. On the other hand you always have had a unique perspective that is rarely mimicked anywhere else on the net. It would be a shame if you destroyed those 15 years worth of articles and arguments.

    As to the three topics you are sick of, that goes for many of us, particularly the first one. No matter how you analyze, compare, dissect, agree or disagree with that omnipresent and overbearing Pillsbury Doughboy, in the end you just want him/it to go away and leave you in peace. Enough!

    I suppose at this point it really doesn’t matter how careful and circumspect you are in publicly stating opinions on controversial subjects. After Snowden spilled the beans and confirmed that Big Brother really is watching, collecting, and storing every email, phone call and blog post, why worry. We’ve all said or written enough to land us in jail by now anyway.

    For what it’s worth, your diary of ruminations is missed.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    As one who bugged out long ago, I assure you I know how you feel.

    But, as one who sometimes regrets doing so, I hope you will keep this blog alive. Just in case you want to say something outside of someone else’s comments.

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    By the way, all I have to do is type c on my browser’s URL bar and it automatically makes – that’s worth something (there are several other c sites I access regularly.) 😉