The Conspiracies Are Multiplying Faster Than They Can Be SWATed Down

The FBI and Las Vegas police swear they are doing everything in their investigation as openly as possible. “There is no conspiracy…”

This is of course proof positive that conspiracy X, Y, or Z or possibly A, B, C, and D are true without a doubt.

My favorite conspiracy is the square root of minus one. Imaginary numbers. Imagine that.






9 responses to “The Conspiracies Are Multiplying Faster Than They Can Be SWATed Down”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    I have no idea what really happened. Was he a lone loony, a sudden jihadist, part of a giant conspiracy or what? It keeps getting fuzzier. One observation is that they claim to have reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance tapes and he’s never seen with anyone else. Was he alone, or is it first rate tradecraft?

    Chief Lombardo comes across as a real straight arrow. Either he’s too low on the totem pole to know what really happened, or he’s a superb actor, deserves an Oscar for his performance.

    Usually the first rule of a police investigation is information goes in; nothing goes out. The FBI for at least the last few decades has been a cesspit of idiots and corrupt assholes so ghod knows.

    I tend to discount conspiracy theories without compelling evidence, but accepting one man planned and executed this atrocity is beyond belief.

  2. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    And wtf happened to Jesus Campos? He was minutes away from a TV interview and he disappeared. I mean really, what the freaking fsck happened?

  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Napoleon said something like “sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from a conspiracy”.

    A couple of conspiracies I do believe:

    TWA flight 800. 130 witnesses swear they saw a missile. And the official explanation about a defective sensor in a fuel tank reeks of bullshit like a rancid cattle barn.

    And the Oklahoma federal building bombing. Many people heard two distinct explosions, why did the BATF based there have that particular day off, why does the senior BATF agent tell an obvious lie about being inside and kicking an elevator door open to get out, and how does one small truckload of ammonium nitrate, a relatively weak explosive, blow up a large building so completely from outside, and who was seen with Timothy McVeigh just before the explosion, and why were they in such a hurry to execute his ass, a process which can take decades usually, and what did he know?

    About the BATF, alcohol tobacco and fire arms sounds like a good weekend in places like southern Florida; just good, healthy fun. Sink a few beers, smoke a pack of cigs and go shooting with your buddies.

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Imaginary numbers are bad enough,Ayn Rand thought non-Euclidean geometry was evil, not just wrong, but really eeeevil. Something about polluting our precious bodily fluids with collectivism or some such nonsense.

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Something’s happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear.

    Yeah, this whole thing is weird. Just weird.

    I suspect most of the conspiracy will involve the police not responding, though.

  6. Bram Avatar

    If I owned a plane, had money to burn, was looking at a crowd of 20,000 people across the street from the airport, and wanted to kill them all and myself – shooting at them with a rifle wouldn’t even cross my mind.

  7. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    After reading this I’m inclined to agree with the author that most of what’s being covered up is massive incompetence by the police.

    I’m also remembering Columbine, where the SWAT squad hung around outside the school, thumbs up their collective ass for 2 hours after the shooting stopped before they went in. These SWAT jerkoffs get paid to risk their lives, not to mention the oath they all take. Screw the lot of them.

  8. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    @Man Mountain Molehill – I think you need to consider that they are NOT being paid to risk their lives – they are being paid to risk other people’s lives. (Preferably little old ladies and dogs and suchlike.)

  9. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    If you love your conspiracy theories, here’s some news.

    President Trump has declined to block release of the rest of the Kennedy assassination files.