He Knows

To run a Black Market you need the cooperation of government.

When the government stops cooperating the Black Market ends.

See Prohibition, Alcohol

MS13 is a US Government production

And funny enough I’m not the first to notice.

“If the trade is ever legalized, it will cease to be profitable from that time. The more difficulties that attend it, the better for you and us.” — Directors of Jardine-Matheson

This is part of what Trump said 27 years ago :

In a speech delivered at the Miami Herald’s Company of the Year Awards luncheon, Donald Trump condemned the “war on drugs” as “a joke” and called for the legalization of drugs. “We’re losing badly the war on drugs,” he said. “You have to legalize drugs to win that war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars.” So reported the Sarasota Herald-Tribune on April 14, 1990.

Isn’t it funny that what he knew 27 years ago he has totally forgotten. Maybe some one got to him.

“The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It’s possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government.” – William Colby, former CIA Director, 1995

Not too long after making that statement he died in a boating accident.

Maybe Trump is trying to avoid a boating accident.






6 responses to “He Knows”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Anything that generates that much money will have tentacles in Washington. The intent of the constitution was to keep the actual power of the government weak and fragmented so that it wouldn’t make much difference which type of corrupt scumbag occupied an office.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Nice piece. I’m so disgusted by politics that I am long since exhausted. Nothing that I or anyone might say would make any difference, as the drug warriors reign supreme with their cartel colleagues. It is truly a hopeless situation, and the American people are constantly plied by the media (fueled by emotional family members of “victims of drugs) with drug war propaganda, fear, and hysteria.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Trump doesn’t drink. Also doesn’t do drugs. He’s thus a bit too susceptible to those who virtue-signal on those subjects.

  4. Simon Avatar


    I don’t think that his personal habits caused a change in attitude from what he said 27 years ago.


    It is a very long war. A hundred years war. Despite setbacks the anti-Prohibitionists are winning.

    May I suggest subscribing to this daily newsletter for a more optimistic view of the news.


  5. James Avatar

    I don’t think it’s virtue signaling. The problem is, the War on Drugs has made some people very powerful, and (perhaps worse) taught them how to paint their opposition as child-killers and the like. It takes a lot of political capital to go against those who want to perpetuate the drug war, because all of America “knows” that drugs are bad and anyone who opposes the War on Drugs is evil.

    Do you really think that the police–who now have the power to arbitrarily take property from anyone and who are increasingly seeing themselves as an arm of the military, separate from and above the citizens–are going to let ANYONE take away their power without a fight? I’ve seen cops pull guns on people exercising their rightful authority over cops (firefighters at accident scenes in some states). Trying to get police to give up authority is like trying to pull teeth from a viper as it bites you. And bear in mind, that’s just one pressure group.

  6. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    This country sends millions of kids to school everyday drugged to the gills on ritalin and adderall. Same kid grown, with an interest in the same study aids and he’s an addict. You expect drug policy to make sense?

    6 double espressos just isn’t the same as the real thing.

    Thought experiment: which, ultimately, causes more damage? Freely prescribing stimulants, opiates and such, with the possible societal problems, or freely prescribing antibiotics, which leads to resistant disease organisms and potential deadly plagues?