Another Anecdote

Here is an anecdotal follow up to my post Clinton Is Losing The Anti-Prohibition Voters. It pretty much describes how the anti-Prohibitionists (mostly Democrats) feel about how the Democrat politicians have handled their issues. Mostly with a wink and a nod before elections and after the election is over – nothing. Here is a link to the comment at Zero Hedge.

But it is not the first time or place I have seen such sentiments expressed. The comment is in response to Loretta Lynch declaring that cannabis is not a gateway drug.

It’s a toe-dipping maneuver. If Clinton thinks she can have Low-renta Lynch stump for the Millennial vote with the now all-too-frequent bait-and-switch regarding cannabis legalization (The Big Dawg hubby did the same shit back in 1992, remember?) then Clinton really is brain-damaged (and probably from those bottled meds that Low-renta was yammering about).

The kids are onto the Dems, big time, with Debbie Wasser-face stepping in it big time with her ignorant comments on FL’s bid to change the MJ laws last year…and catching hell from those same voters. Doubling down on her stupidity regarding the issue isn’t helping her. The Millennials have already been burned once.

People have such short memories. After Prop215 passed in California in 1996, Mr. Clinton sicced the Justice Department on doctors who recommened cannabis, the docs fought back on a First Amendment defense, and the dog-faced bitch Janet Reno that ran the Justice Department back then had to do some serious back-pedaling when the DoJ lost. Having the Institute of Medicine come out with a report in 1999 that said that cannabis was not a gateway drug didn’t help the Fed cause any, but the truth has been ignored by the very Federal Gub’mint that commissioned it, allowing the lie to continue unless challenged by knowledgeable citizens.

The Dems have always been two-faced about their support of cannabis law reform, sounding like activists to get votes. This latest bit from Low-renta is just more of the same.

Quite uncouth. But not uncommon.

Choom Boy gave them a wink and a nod and then nothing. The Democrats have lost the trust of about 1/2 (my estimate) of their former rabid anti-Prohibitionist supporters. That will affect the coming election.



