Well That Is Interesting

At a press conference this AM (~1430z) an imam from Orlando came in to give his apologies for the mass murder in Orlando. The name of the shooter has not been released. What do you want to bet that the shooter was a representative of the religion of peace?

Update: 1447z 12 June 2016

Fox news has an update with snippets from the news conference.

A gunman who federal authorities say had possible ties to terrorism opened fire early Sunday morning at a packed Orlando nightclub, killing 50 people and wounding at least 53 more in a bloody scene that ended hours later when police stormed the building and killed the shooter.

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer asked Gov. Rick Scott to declare a state of emergency following the attack.

The gunman was identified as Omar Mateen, Rep. Alan Grayson said during a Sunday morning press conference. Mateen was a U.S. citizen, Grayson said, though that was “not true of other family members of his.” Mateen, 29, lived in Fort Pierce, Fla. He was born in the U.S. to parents of Afghan origin and was a Muslim, Fox News confirmed.

Authorities were going through Mateen’s belongings on Sunday morning trying to identify a motive for the attack, Grayson said.

“More likely than not that it was an ideologically motivated attack,” Grayson said, though he said it was unclear if Mateen was linked to any terror groups.

It was noted that Omar was well trained in the use of weapons. I wonder where he got that training?

Update: 1501z 12 June 2016

From Raw Story.

Citing a recent shooting in San Bernardino, Carlson argued that President Obama’s administration had made America less safe by taking a politically correct view of Islamic-inspired terrorism.

“Doesn’t the politicization of all of this, the relentless lying by the administration about the Islamic terror threat we face make it harder for people to want to step forward and say what they see?” the Fox News host opined.

“Absolutely, it’s horrific,” Gorka agreed, recalling that an Obama administration had spoken with him after he recently conducted a police training event.

“A young woman walks up from the administration, from the Department of Homeland Security and says, ‘Look, Dr. Walker, that’s all really interesting, but I disagree with all of it because the primary threat to America is white supremacists,’” he scoffed.

Later in the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich agreed with Carlson.

“The Obama administration had deliberately and willfully for seven years tried to avoid telling the American people the truth about an ideology which is an enormous threat to our civilization,” Gingrich said, “and which is winning the war.”

Trump up another three points vs Hillary. He will now be getting into some core Democrat supporters.

Update: 1515z 12 June 2016

Gay Conservative Chicago blogger Kevin DuJan of Hillbuzz had this to say.

Not the First Time Muslims Have Targeted Gay Bars in America

Everyone is still reeling from Islam’s attack on a gay bar in Orlando (just a week after Gay Days at Disney, as a matter of fact…and happening at the start of June PRIDE events coast to coast). How many times does something like this have to happen before Americans wake up to the dangers of Muslim colonization of our country?

I notice CNN is doing whatever it can to NOT identify the shooter as Muslim. Pay attention to this happening in other news reports too. See how the media lies to the public (much like the Ministry of Truth — MiniTru — in 1984). Reporters do not want to ever identify a terrorist as Muslim. This is an especially dicey attack for the media because it is a Muslim-on-gay attack. Expect more of these in the years ahead as the US government pushes to import more Muslim colonists to our shores (by calling them “refugees” or “migrants” and not what they truly are…Islamic colonists engaged in demographic and immigration jihad).

When a group of people come to a new place but refuse to assimilate, leave behind their old ways, and embrace the culture of their new home they are colonists and not refugees, migrants, or immigrants. Calling them anything else but COLONISTS is foolish.

Yes it is foolish.

Update: 1533z 12 June 2016

Reason Magazine chimes in. No mention of Islam in the article. plenty in the comments.

Update: 1603z 12 June 2016

HotGas has the news and over 1,000 comments so far.


I’m just posting updates without noting times.

Let me see if I can get this right


ISIS announced Florida attack 3 days ago

Shooter was a security guard.

Two counterterrorism officials identified the alleged gunman as Omar S. Mateen, 29 years old, of Port St. Lucie, Fla. The officials said he worked as a security guard, had a gun license and was a U.S. citizen.

Officials are still trying to understand the motive for the attack but said there are some initial indications he was attracted to radical Islamic ideology.


CapitalistRoader comment.

Weird. The shooter was a registered Democrat:


Must be a redneck, gun-loving Dixie Democrat. With a funny name.


Breitbart – Top Gazan Jihadist Claims Orlando Shooter Was Terror Group Member



Father of shooter running for President of Afghanistan.

From Weaselzippers.




Muslim imam at shooter’s mosque calls for death for homos….



Obama White House






4 responses to “Well That Is Interesting”

  1. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Another radical Presbyterian fundamentalist mass murder. Trump’s crazy, racist, homophobic religion responsible for another terrorist attack, this time against gays. The solution is to take guns away from these redneck wingnuts like they did in France, where they have had no firearm mass murders.

  2. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Weird. The shooter was a registered Democrat:


    Must be a redneck, gun-loving Dixie Democrat. With a funny name.

  3. CapitalistRoader Avatar


    President Obama, barely concealing his rage, immediately questioned the nightclub’s transgendered restroom status, remarking “This is the type of hate crime that occurs when members of the transgendered community are forced to use the men’s restroom. While I’m not excusing this horrific act, it just reinforces the fact that transgendered bathroom discrimination is probably the greatest security threat in the US today.”

  4. […] is a repost from my timeline on the Orlando events. I thought it deserved […]