It had nothing to do with religion! The guns did it!

As the country recoils in horror over last night’s murderous ISIS attack on a Florida gay bar, the president has spoken. He described the attack as an act of terror, an act of hate, and of course blamed guns.

Not a word about the shooter’s admitted religious motivation.

That’s because the shootings had nothing to do with radical Islam.

And according to a local Florida Imam, executing gays is not an act of hatred; it is an act of compassion.

Perhaps there needs to be what they call a conversation…

Sooner or later, it might have to be admitted that when someone commits murder in the name of religion, that there was a religious motivation.

MORE: Glenn Reynolds in USA TodayWe can’t fight jihadism if we’re afraid to name it.

AND MORE: Here’s an older idea that needs to be revived:


MORE: As M. Simon points out, Muslim government employees are repeatedly attacking Americans.

Oh yes:

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

“G4S supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CPB), with its operations at the U.S. ­ Mexico border and with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants in selected urban areas,” the company says in a brochure, titled “Providing Manpower Solutions for Government Services.”

The DHS contract with G4S is worth more than $234 million. The contract states that one of the “performance requirements” is helping identify “suspected terrorists” trying to enter the U.S.

The security contractor also provides security guards and other security services for “90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.”

Got that?

This murderer was essentially part of Homeland Security.

It is not possible to be cynical enough.

To say that this country is in big trouble is a ridiculous understatement.

Getting rid of “Homeland Security” might be a start towards actual security.

It is one thing to miss a terrorist, it is quite another to hire him as part of the security apparatus.

We are told we have to live with terrorism, except this is more than terrorism.

It’s betrayal.

Oh, I forgot. Guns are to blame!

MORE: What’s up with the shooter’s dad? And why does he have such powerful friends?

(Shut up! they’ll explain…)






16 responses to “It had nothing to do with religion! The guns did it!”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    el Presidente O’shithead is already blaming it on guns. Move along people, no jihad to see here.

    How is it that in a crowded night club no one else was armed and shot back? 50+ dead before the police showed up. This kind of distributed jihad will only increase, it’s cheap and effective. Much simpler than hijacking airplanes, for example. The only effective response is armed citizens on the spot and ready to defend freedom.

    Another white christian assault weapon goes on a rampage. Oh the humanity. Won’t someone please think of the children. blah blah blah. These liberal talking points write themselves.

  2. mrmittens Avatar

    all my leftist and gay fb pals are screaming about the NRA and referring to me, for pointing out that the NRA is not a Islamic organization dedicated to jihad and a world wide caliphate, as ‘ you people’ politicizing shit….

  3. Frank Avatar

    Eric, you know the history and what initially brought me to your site. Friends murdered in the name of Christianity, synagogues torched, a hit list of prominent Jews in Sacramento marked for extermination. And that was only 2 lousy little domestic terrorists. And then the Davidian connected neighbor who set a fire and tried to burn us out. Those were personal.

    Now this, which I take as very personal also: fifty plus dead and an equal number maimed, some critically, in the name of another religion, the same religion and it’s minor cult that drops gays to their death off buildings or beheads them. Or the other cult that runs a whole country and methodically hangs them for public enjoyment. The demonic cult is ISLAM.

    What I know is that this latest Afghanistani piece of shit won’t be the last. What gays need to do is get armed, practice, join a shooting club, and get a conceal carry if possible. Keep a Mossberg 500 loaded and within easy reach behind the bedroom door and a revolver at the head of the bed, another in a drawer near the front door. And for now at least, stay away from large public venues and obvious easy targets like gay bars.


  4. CapitalistRoader Avatar
  5. Gringo Avatar

    From one of your links:
    Barack Obama calls for new debate on gun restrictions after Orlando shootings

    Will President Obama also call for a new debate on restricting immigration from Muslim countries?

    I very much doubt it.

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Pink Pistols again – a link that will work when CR’s link goes into the archives.

    Also the Log Cabin Republicans

  7. Robert of Ottawa Avatar
    Robert of Ottawa

    Frank, you said:

    “in the name of another religion, the same religion and it’s minor cult that drops gays to their death off buildings or beheads them.”

    Well, no, despite various erroneous claims, islam and christianity are not the same religion or the same god. Please explain.

  8. Simon Avatar

    And Thanks! for the link.

  9. Frank Avatar

    Robert of Ottawa, I thought I made it perfectly clear by saying in the name of another religion and then naming it at the end as Islam. No where did I infer than the current crop of Christians beheads or drops gays to their death, although some like Kevin Swanson come damn close to advocating death for homosexuals by quoting from Liviticus 20:13 (of course ignoring Biblical commands to kill adulterers at 20:10 etc), but then back off with “the time is not yet at hand” type remarks.

  10. Frank Avatar

    They hire Muslim terrorists and contract to guard 90% of our nuclear facilities? This is way beyond incompetence, bordering on criminal insanity.

  11. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Muslims are actively killing gays all over the world. A small number of particularly wacko Christians fantasize about it.

    Clearly the Christians are the problem. Also, something about eyes, sawdust and 2x4s.

  12. Simon Avatar

    We are told we have to live with terrorism, except this is more than terrorism.

    It’s betrayal.

    Yes it is.

  13. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    I misread that as “Punk Pistols”. I really want to see my Glock with a Mohawk.

  14. […] blogmas­ter Eric at Classi­cal Values did some follow up to a post I made. The post which was origi­nally a comment I made at HotGas […]

  15. […] in his post It had nothing to do with religion! The guns did it! suggested that it was time to bring back the Pink Pistols. They are […]