Dear Hillary, Barack Supports ISIS

Hillary got a classified intelligence report saying that President B. Hussein O. supports ISIS.

Hillary Clinton received a classified intelligence report stating that the Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State.

The memo made clear that Al Qaeda in Iraq was speaking through Muhammad Al Adnani, who is now the senior spokesman for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Western and Gulf states were supporting the terrorist group to try to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, who was being propped up by the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese.

In August 2012, a “SECRET” classified memo was sent to various top Obama administration officials and agencies, including to the State Department and to Clinton’s office personally.

“The document is an IAR, an intelligence information report,” said Christopher J. Farrell, who serves on the board of directors of Judicial Watch, which obtained the document. “It is produced by somebody within the Defense intelligence agency (DIA). It is reporting from the field by an intelligence agent” who could be a U.S. government agent, a defense attaché, or a source.

“It’s a report from the field back to headquarters with some intelligence that somebody is willing to bet their career on,” Farrell said.

Farrell confirmed that the report was sent to Clinton’s office, based on the recipient marking “RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC.”

Well that will make her and her buddy B.O. squirm.

And we haven’t even got to the stuff the Russians have collected.

More good stuff can be found just by looking around. Notoriously left wing magazine – Salon – said in a headline: The Benghazi outrage we actually should be talking about.

Newly revealed documents show how the CIA stood by as arms shipments from Libya enabled the rise of ISIS

What did the CIA know and when did they know it?

That’s the real question that ought to be raised by a recently declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report, obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The August 2012 document describes how the U.S. ended up on the same general side in the Syrian Civil War as Al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor to ISIS. “AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning,” the report explained. Meanwhile, “[w]estern countries, the Gulf states, and Turkey are supporting” rebel efforts against the Assad regime in a proxy war, putting them on the same side as, if not working together with, the terrorists now overrunning Iraq.

Some outlets have concluded that this means “the West intentionally sponsored violent Islamist groups to destabilize Assad.”

Townhall has this from the Judicial watch document dump.

A third DIA memo, dated Oct. 5, 2012, leaves no doubt that U.S. intelligence agencies knew that weapons were moving from Libya to Syria before the attack that killed four Americans.

I wonder why the Secretary Of State Clinton didn’t send help to Benghazi.

And if you really want crazy there is Alex Jones from 2013.

“The real issue is very simple, you have to think of two elements of the government fighting each other that are covert,” Pieczenik told the Alex Jones Show. “The government is never unified, it never has been unified. For over thirty or forty years there has been a conflict between the military and the CIA and the FBI… The CIA has been run for the last fifty years by civilians who are out of control.”

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show in November, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen also stated that the murder of Stevens was connected to a turf war between the Pentagon and the CIA.

Some of the other statements in the article have proved true. So who knows? And that leads to another question. “Which side of the turf battle was Hillary on?”

All the evidence points to the Pentagon doing nothing to stop the attack on the compound. Martin Dempsey, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted during a Senate hearing in June that highly trained Special Forces were stationed a few hours away from Benghazi on the night of the attacks but were not deployed.

And there is more:

According to Egyptian security officials, Stevens was instrumental in recruiting jihadists for the CIA’s war in Syria and “served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces,” writes Aaron Klein.

As and others have reported, the Syrian mercenaries belong to the al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate. This is part of a well-established pattern on the part of the CIA going back to at least its recruitment of the Mujahideen and so-called Afghan Arabs in Afghanistan and later in the Balkans.

It was learned after the attack that the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was paid by the State Department to protect the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. The group had “clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack,” Max Rosenthal reported for Newsmax in May. The February 17th Martyrs Brigade, it was latter learned during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, are in league with Ansar al-Sharia, said to be linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

I look forward to seeing what the Russians have on Clinton and Obama. Because what is already out in the open is going to hurt.






4 responses to “Dear Hillary, Barack Supports ISIS”

  1. Randy Avatar

    The country is in the very best of hands, to borrow a phrase from a UT law prof.

    And Instapundit also has an excerpt from a piece in today’s WSJ penned by Dick and Liz Cheney today. Here’s the big take away for me.

    On a trip to the Middle East this spring, we heard a constant refrain in capitals from the Persian Gulf to Israel, “Can you please explain what your president is doing?” “Why is he walking away?” “Why is he so blithely sacrificing the hard fought gains you secured in Iraq?” “Why is he abandoning your friends?” “Why is he doing deals with your enemies?”

    In one Arab capital, a senior official pulled out a map of Syria and Iraq. Drawing an arc with his finger from Raqqa province in northern Syria to Anbar province in western Iraq, he said, “They will control this territory. Al Qaeda is building safe havens and training camps here. Don’t the Americans care?”

    Our president doesn’t seem to.

    Here’s the link to Instapundit.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    according to deputy crown prince of saudis arabia 20% of her pac money comes from saudis arabia. they also support isis.

  3. Randy Avatar

    The fact of the matter is we elected a President who, like all far Leftists, have been suspicious of American power, especially since the Cold War. After all, for the American Left, the USSR were the guys in the white hats.

    All the warning signs where there about Obama. His father was an avowed Communist. Same too for his mother I think. There is not a Communist whoever lived that didn’t despise American political, economic, and military might. And that’s because, as mentioned earlier, all this power thwarted the goals of The Fatherland aka The USSR.

    And let’s not forget that BHO launched his political career in the home of one Bill Ayers. Yes, the far Left radical that tried to foment a civil war here in the hope of importing Soviet-style Communism in the aftermath. Ayers made war on his own country and the only reason he didn’t go to prison is because the evidence was tossed for violation of procedures.

    And when Obama was asked about this he said something along the likes of “He’s just a guy in the neighborhood.” Too clever by half. Given Obama’s Left wing pedigree, it seems highly unlikely IMO that he knew nothing of Ayers militant past.

    In short, Obama was reared on Left wing propaganda that taught him and countless others that America and the West are the true enemies of humanity. So naturally he is suspect of American power and reluctant to wield it to the America’s or the rest of the freedom-loving world’s advantage.

    And now the Jayvee team is the Varsity. Thanks, President Cool, er, Obama.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    I suspect the letter will start: “Dear Americans, Hillary supports ISIS.”