Trump Is A Uniter – NSFW

(About 23 minutes)

A hilarious rant by what appears to be a libertarian oriented guy. Stefan Molyneux. If you are short of time the first five minutes is very good.

Who is Stefan Molyneux? Well he is a Canadian.

Stateless society

Molyneux theorizes that peaceful parenting and the pursuit of virtue in our personal lives could bring about a stateless society that abhors the initiation of force (see Non-Aggression Principle).[39] In addition, the free market (see anarcho-capitalism), poly-centric legal systems and private “dispute resolution organizations” (DRO’s) could be empowered to find new and more peaceful ways of adjudicating Common law infractions and contractual disputes.[40]

Universal and natural justice

Molyneux suggests that, in the ideal of a libertarian society, moral universalism would naturally create legally and socially binding relationships between people.

In 2012, libertarian philosopher David Gordon gave a critical examination of Molyneux’s 2007 Universally Preferable Behaviour: A Rational Proof for Secular Ethics in The Mises Review, stating, “He fails, and fails miserably. His arguments are often preposterously bad.”[41] A rebuttal by Molyneux addressing Gordon’s criticisms was posted to his message board, “Freedomain Radio,” three days after Gordon’s article was published.[42]

So. Another Canadian into American politics.

He makes a good point at about 13+ minutes in. “The tyranny of emotions leads to the tyranny of the State.” Thus we have arrived at the tyranny of the SJWs who are terrified of chalk.






2 responses to “Trump Is A Uniter – NSFW”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    libertarian problem justice comes out of the barrel of a gun. mao. and before that union troops at cemetery ridge july 3 1863. and before that militia at concord bridge april 19 1775. ect.

  2. Simon Avatar

    “Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao.

    Justice is not required. Mao was certainly unjust.

    The problem with American leftists is that they don’t like guns.