Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party?

It certainly seems that way to many.

What I think may really be going on is this:

…every once in a while, voters discover they have the power to do something they have never done before; and that discovery itself becomes a significant political force.

Sticking it to the powers that be by electing a man who has never held political office but who has intense animal magnetism is irresistible.

Hillary is focusing on Trump’s alleged “issues” (as if he is to be held to the text of what he has said by a shrill schoolmarm).

Yet conservatives are falling into the same trap. Here’s a typical example of how many conservatives (especially so-cons) are seeing Trump:

Donald Trump has virtues along with his vices, but being a Republican is not one of them. He has mostly been a registered Democrat, he says he agrees with the Democrats on most issues, he has contributed primarily to Democratic candidates, he has praised Hillary Clinton lavishly while viciously slandering George W. Bush. Many things Trump may be, but a Republican is not one of them, nor a conservative, either–not until it became convenient for him to call himself a Republican in the current presidential race. He is the most glaring example in recent times of a candidate who is a Republican in name only.

Michael Ramirez nails the Trump phenomenon: for better or worse, he is not a politician. But he isn’t a Republican or a conservative either.

Ultimately, I think Hillary will have problems with him, because while he is a centrist who has been flinging red meat for the right, he won’t need to keep doing that. Unlike politicians, he is not beholden to any particular ideology. (Fortunately, Madame Clinton is not listening to M. Simon.)

He sees the nomination as a game, and I think he enjoys the fact that he has engineered a hostile takeover of the Republican Party.

Independents heavily favor Trump and Sanders. Why? Because they are both their own man, and beholden to no one. Such a thing is unheard of in politics.

As to the radical left, today I saw a poster which is showing up at rallies everywhere.


They might not admit it, but they love him at least as much as he loves them.

(Much as I abhor them, they haven’t convinced me to love him.)






5 responses to “Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party?”

  1. Simon Avatar

    What is only lightly reported is the number of Democrats registering as Rs in closed primary States (20,000 in Mass.) and the number of crossovers in open primary States.

    In the MO primary the Rs got about 22% more votes than the Ds.

    And you are correct about Trump’s pivot to the center. I have a post coming up on that.

    What astounded me is the number and vitriol of anti-Trump ads in Illinois. They had no effect because Trump voters are not voting for the man. In the main they are voting against the establishment.

    I’m not a conventional Trump supporter either.

    For the LULZ

  2. Simon Avatar

    Another point – the racists supporting Trump are doing very little to highlight his pro-Israel stances or his Orthodox Jewish daughter. Doesn’t fit their narrative.

  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Bunch of Maoists calling Trump a fascist. Yeah, that’ll fly. The only thing Hitler was to the right of was Josef Stalin. Triumph of the swill. How about Triumph the comic insult dog for VP?

    What did ideology ever accomplish? Screw the “conservative movement”. Boring old drones and third raters.

  4. captain*arizona Avatar

    trump or hillary thats the choice hold your nose and vote!