The Economic Cycle

We are in a classic end of a Kondratieff cycle. The incumbents try to protect themselves because the upstarts are hurting the incumbents but are not yet strong enough to overthrow them.

Just one data point. Cannabis cures cancer. That is worth $100 bn to the Medical industrial complex in the US. World wide maybe half a trillion. Maybe a trillion. Then there is cannabis and diabetes. It adds up.

And that is just one pressure point. Cannabis. How many others are there?

DC (Edison) fought AC (Tesla and JP Morgan). Trucks vs trains. Oil vs whale oil. etc. Human nature. Those dependent on the old order want/need to hang on. They can’t.






9 responses to “The Economic Cycle”

  1. Frank Avatar

    According to Prop 65 in California, cannabis smoke causes cancer.
    …as of May…marijuana smoke is now on the list of known carcinogens.
    So is aloe vera. I believe water, air, and combing your hair too much have also been added to the list.

  2. captain*arizona Avatar

    I once saw a sign on a hippe van. Dope is hope. I wonder if the van driver now blogs here?

  3. bob sykes Avatar
    bob sykes

    Your’re not paying attention. The war in Afghanistan has resulted in an explosion of opium production. Heroin is now so cheap that it is the drug of choice for poor whites, replacing even meth. There is an epidemic in heroin use.

  4. Simon Avatar


    I happen to know of several people who are using cannabis to cure their cancer.

    But I would expect nothing less from you than to be a friend of cancer.

  5. captain*arizona Avatar

    At least I am not using people with cancer for my own agenda.

  6. Bilwick Avatar

    I was expecting the captain to check in with something like, “What is this ‘economics’ you speak of?” You know, something up to his usual intellectual level.

  7. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    I’ve run across similar comments about marijuana from other pwogies. Old friends in Illinois who are Dem’s from way back and still back Obama to the hilt denigrate Colorado’s legalization. These are the same people who have no problem putting away a six pack on a Friday night.

    They say there’s no one more reactionarily conservative than a progressive. Progressives in my experience actually hate change, no matter what the insipid sign they’re carrying at the Bernie rally says otherwise.

  8. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    You forgot glaucoma…which it does actually help.

  9. Simon Avatar


    Do I have to do another post with cites? Both clinical and anecdotal along with the science? I thought I had done that to death.

    BTW my eye doctor says you need to smoke every 1/2 hour with glaucoma – to keep the pressure in the right range. But I haven’t checked the literature on that lately. He may be exaggerating.