Gun Control – Poor And Minorities Hit Hardest

From Salon Magazine

Gun control’s racist reality: The liberal argument against giving police more power

Well isn’t that interesting. And from Salon? Big surprise there.

There is no reason to expect fair enforcement of gun control laws, or even that they will mainly be used to someone prevent these massacres. That is because how our society polices depends not on the laws themselves but on how the police – and prosecutors and courts – decide to enforce the law. Especially given how many guns there are in the U.S., gun law enforcement will be selective. That is to say, they will be unfairly enforced, only deepening the injustices daily committed against poor minorities in the name of law and order.

This former DEA agent says the same thing about our Drug Laws starting about 1 minute 30 seconds in.






10 responses to “Gun Control – Poor And Minorities Hit Hardest”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    Gun control laws have always been aimed at minorities. Your saint ronald the iran-contra traitor reagan signed the first major gun control law in california to disarm african-americans. The nra started out protecting african-american gun ownership so had to be taken over by white racists.

  2. Randy Avatar

    captain*inconsistency strikes again.

    His posts on this issue in the past indicate, to me at least, that he is pro gun control. Yet he acknowledges the racist roots of gun control, something those of us who have opposed ever-expanding gun control laws have pointed out repeatedly.

    Our incoherent captain evidently thinks that when Democrats enact gun control it’s a good thing, but if Republicans do it, it’s de facto racist. He berates Reagan for signing gun control laws as governor of California. But he conspicuously ignores the applause that likely came from Democrats who no doubt supported the legislation he criticizes Reagan for signing into law.

    AFAIK, the NRA makes no racial distinctions in their efforts to protect everyone’s second amendment rights, yet you assert they are racists. IIRC, Condi Rice’s family became Republicans because when they tried to buy a gun for protection they got jack shit from Democrats while Republican NRA members in their community helped them obtain weapons.

    Your positions on gun control are both inconsistent and therefore incoherent. I’m not surprised, as extreme partisanship such as yours usually leads to incoherency and inconsistency in politics. IMO, double standards and moral outrage seems to be the stock and trade of most Leftists/progressives, you included.

    Agreed, Simon. Quite surprising that this came from Salon.

  3. Sigivald Avatar

    Even Salon eventually catches on to gun control being racist, both historically by intent and currently by effect.

    (Also, against Cap’n Trollpants, how in flying feces is the NRA “racist”?

    They keep pushing for less gun control. You know, gun control that’s racist.

    The NRA wants minorities armed just like whitey.

    Racist? Must be, because handwaving.)

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    If Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney had been armed…

  5. captain*arizona Avatar

    the three civil rights workers choose not to be armed. The black panthers armed and see what happened to them. I have never posted for gun control for minority community. As bill ayres said on alan jones show. The minority community needs the second amendment to protect themselves from criminals and racists. Liberals support gun control to keep black men out of jail. I understand their argument but don’t agree with it. In a fair and just society gun control would be a good idea ;but we don’t live in a fair and just society so bad idea.

  6. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Here’s a magic decoder ring for progressives:

    If a Republican wants something it’s automatically racist, sexist, homophobic, patriarchal, and just plain evil.

    If a Democrat wants something it’s the flavor of the day, wonderful in every respect, just jim dandy.

    Even if it’s the same damn identical thing.

  7. captain*arizona Avatar

    mm that is because republiscum only want racist, sexist, homophobic, patriachal and just plain evil stuff. And if they don’t they will be primaried out!

  8. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Them racist repugnicans! Lookit all that racist shit they do. The KKK! Jim Crow!!! Robert Bird was a Grand Imperial Kleagle!!!
    Republicans like Woodrow Wilson was the worst racist ever! He segregated the White House! Lester Maddox! Sheriff Clark! What a bunch of racist scum.


    Never mind.

  9. captain*arizona Avatar

    and the republican party used to be the party of lincoln but traded him for storm thurmond. Democrats are getting better republiscum are getting worse!

  10. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    yeah…right. The Segregation Party was a spin-off from the Dixiecrat wing who were fed up with the liberal policies of the Truman administration. Thurman didn’t become a Republican until decades later. Besides which, is that all you got? One?