Windmills – A Health Hazard

H/T to Tallbloke for the report. The report can be found here.

Some excerpts to get the flavor:

Mr Cooper said the findings were consistent with research into health impacts from early model wind turbines conducted in the US more than 20 years ago.


The findings should be used as the basis for a thorough health study of the impacts from low frequency noise, he said. “Until this is done, there should be a moratorium on further wind farm developments,” he said.


Another Cape Bridgewater resident Jo Kermond said the findings had been “both disturbing and confirmation of the level of severity we were and are enduring while being ridiculed by our own community and society.”


Mr Cooper said residents’ threshold of sensations were experienced at narrow band sound pressure levels of four to five hertz at above 50 decibels.


The nominal audible threshold for frequencies of four to five hertz is more than 100 decibels. Mr Cooper said an earlier investigation into health impacts of wind farms by the South Australian EPA had been flawed by limiting the study to only one-third octave bands and not looking at narrow band analysis.


“By looking at high sensation and narrow band I have developed a methodology to undertake assessments using narrow band infrasound. We now have a basis on how to start the medical studies” he said.


The study was small – so a larger study using the methodology is required. BTW 4 to 5 Hz corresponds to brain waves called theta or delta.

Theta more or less 4 to 7 pulses, it is a state of somnolence with reduced consciousness.

Delta when there is unconsciousness, deep sleep or catalepsy, emitting between 0.1 and 4 cycles per second.

Brains is interesting objects – in the wild.






2 responses to “Windmills – A Health Hazard”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Expensive, unreliable, butt ugly, deliver power intermittently at best and bad for your health. It’s a liberal wet dream.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Well, yes. If wind power actually worked worth a damn they wouldn’t be nearly as enthusiastic about it. Here, have some pertinent quotes from envirowackos.

    “If you ask me, it’d be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it.” —Amory Lovins, environmentalist, Mother Earth News, Nov.-Dec. 1977

    “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” —Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, and Dr. John Holdren, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, 1970, p. 323

    “The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.” —Jeremy Rifkin, environmentalist, Los Angeles Times, Apr. 19, 1989

    Never forget that Gaia-worship is just another mask for the nihilism of the Left, that seeks to destroy everything in order to remake the world to their liking. Read Gramsci’s “Prison Diaries” and you will understand that all of this is planned, all of this is part of the same Social Bolshevism. Americans have a nasty independent streak that must be stamped out–it’s part of our nasty “cultural hegemony,” which all good Leftists seek to destroy, root and branch, to clear the ground for Scientific Marxism-Leninism.