New Age?

“While it is said that the New Age is difficult to define, an integral part of New Age religion is belief in patently nonsensical stuff.”

Interesting. I never thought of people who vote Republican in the belief that doing so will get them more freedom or smaller government as “New Age.” – Thomas Knapp






4 responses to “New Age?”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    Old age religion doesn’t believe in nonsensical stuff?

  2. Bilwick Avatar

    Guess “captain*Arizona” is into crystals and Tarot. Probably not as superstition-baseds asnd nonsensical as most of the other stuff he believes.

    Me, I’m fairly open-minded about New Age stuff. If I haven’t tried it I reserve my opinion on it. If someone tells me I can achieve total enlightenment by meditating on a sack of manure, I might give it a shot if the manure weren’t pricey.

    What gets me about most New Age people that I’ve met is that they’ve almost all been “liberals.” (And I’m using the word “liberal” in its current bastardized sense; that is, as a euphemism for “tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-fellator.”) Don’t they know there’s hardly anything more Old Age than statism? And which is more spiritual: letting people be free, or pointing a gun at their heads to force them to do things you want them to do?

  3. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    The Repugnicans represent themselves as the party of the Big Tent. One wonders just how vast a tent must be to accommodate both Rand Paul and Mike Huckleberry.

    A whackjob party to absorb the Christian looney nut vote and a reasonable libertarian/conservative party for the rest could work. Among other advantages it would likely be more appealing to the Reagan Democrat faction, as it may still exist.

    I’d like to see a Clinton – Paul ticket.

    Les Paul and George Clinton, that is.

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    When it comes to newage crystal healing yoga pants tea and such I don’t believe anything that can’t be empirically verified.