The Population Is Bombing

I got the link to the following piece from a comment at Samizdata.

The piece looks to me to be a voice of European sanity.

While the European populations are shrinking and the best-qualified young people are leaving, we continue to allow mass immigration of unqualified Muslims, who will soon make our welfare states collapse. Add to this the fact that the Muslim world has built up a “youth bulge”, which according to experience will lead to mass murder and whose effects cannot be offset by foreign aid. The originator of these bleak predictions is the German sociologist Gunnar Heinsohn, who believes that the game is over for Europe

Read the whole thing. I might add that it was written in May of 2007. Things are now 7 years worse. On top of that the coming little ice age is going to make food very scarce for about 80 or 90 years. That will put a LOT more pressure on the undeveloped world if we can’t bring them up to a modern or at least semi-modern level of civilization. Islam works against that.






6 responses to “The Population Is Bombing”

  1. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    The biggest struggle in arab world is between those who want to be like us and the fundamentalists. We have problems with christian fundamentalist here too. Enlightenment is the answer remember hitler was a white european.

  2. Simon Avatar

    Christian Fundamentalist would be a huge improvement for the Middle East.

  3. Allen Avatar

    The Christian coalition is the same as Hamas. Everybody knows that.

  4. Simon Avatar

    The Christian coalition is the same as Hamas. Everybody knows that.

    Except for their attitude towards Jews. Murder. Apostasy. Non-believers. The place of women. And a few other things.

  5. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    Fundamentalist Christians are a lot saner than they were a few centuries ago and fundamentalist Jews are a lost saner than they were a couple of millennia ago. Maybe, given time, Islam can become sane.

  6. Simon Avatar


    I have been having similar thoughts. I think it will tale a thousand years.