When I Was Growing Up

All the actions I described in My Drug War Obsession were done by Germans in war propaganda movies to make the Germans look bad. America was not like that was the undercurrent. We had the rule of law. Protection of the innocent. Innocent until proven guilty. That may have been an idealization. But being an impressionable youth (I was born in late 1944) I took it to heart. It hurts me deeply to see my America straying so far from those ideals and currently resembling police state Germany of the war years.

I used to take great glee in “seeing” Ronald Reagan punch a Nazi guy in the face and tell Errol Flynn “The Iron Fist has a glass jaw.” I still take great glee in anything that reduces the police state. Where ever I find it.

OK. I couldn’t resist. Here is the movie clip:

And you can watch the full movie online at Desperate Journey.






5 responses to “When I Was Growing Up”

  1. Bram Avatar

    Even when I was growing up in the 70’s and 80’s we had the Communists. They were oppressive totalitarian assholes, we were free. There were more terrorist attacks in the 80’s than the past decade, but we didn’t create a police-state to combat it – only Commies did that kind of crap.

    Once we lost them as the example of what not to be, we started down the fascist slide we are on now.

  2. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    I thought bonzo spent world war two making training films on how not to get the clap from holleywood starlets.

  3. Randy Avatar

    @ captain arizona – RR’s stance and actions against communism, which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the USSR, did more for human freedom than anyone else since WWII. In the old Iron Curtain countries, he is revered by everyone but the government apparatchiks. What have you done that compares?

    And btw, RR was a Democrat during WWII, not that there is anything wrong with that. And training films on how not to get the clap are useful, unlike your inane comments here.

    I recall seeing that movie a few years back. That was a funny scene, even though it was a rather strained plot contrivance.

  4. Simon Avatar


    And your revered left is still running the Drug War.


  5. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    more bs russian people not bed time for bonzo got rid of communism gorbachov was arrested but later freed for trying to change russia bonzo was to busy committing treason with iran and selling dope to school children to finance the wars in central america to help out his drug dealing alliesQ