On Congress

They could at least spend it on booze and hookers. Then I wouldn’t feel like it was being WASTED.







4 responses to “On Congress”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    If I didn’t comment who would look at the number of zero posts! Probably because a zero is- well you get the point! As for congress this was the design they did not want a parlimentary system that was efficent because they rightly feared tyranny! This is why we honor George Washington when his officers came to him and said congress is making a mess of things you should take power. George said yes in the short run you would be right ;but in the long run you would be wrong and refused to take power. This is why we honor him as the father of his country!

  2. T Avatar

    As W.C. Fields responded when asked what he did with his fortune:

    “I spent half of it on gambling, women and liquor. The other half I wasted.”

  3. Randy Avatar

    The only thing worse than a crooked politician is one trying to do good. That’s when they will really dig into your wallet.

  4. c andrew Avatar
    c andrew

    Robert Heinlein had a rant about “reform politicians.” He said you couldn’t trust them. “An honest politician is one who stays bought.” Which reform politicians can’t do.

    Arguably, though, I would imagine that someone campaigning to reverse the growth of the state is less likely to dig into your pocket that some “reformer” who thinks more should be spent on their favorite enthusiasms.