The Liberator

More at The Unstoppable Plastic Gun.

The IRS also wants Wilson to explain in detail his issues and dealings with ITAR. Exactly as the post-Marxist philosophers taught him, he has willingly thrown himself into the maw of a totalizing system that wants to see, know, measure, shape, and protect every aspect of human existence.

And then there’s the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). To cover his ass as a weapons maker, he sought- and received-a firearms manufacturer’s license in his own name. This leaves him open to snap federal inspections of his gun-making space, which is a tiny corner of a warehouse outside Austin. The second day I was with him he received copies of the forms that he has to file with the ATF within a couple of days of making each individual gun.

Wilson’s life is considerably more enmeshed with the federal government than that of most anarcho-left-libertarians. By acting forcefully in the world, you just “make yourself a bigger object of regulation,” give the government one more way to get information out of you, try to control you. It’s like Wilson has turned himself into a living example, acting out his crises in the public eye, just to say that he told you so. Or you could say that, like the plastic he experiments with, under pressure and heat from the government Wilson has not yet cracked. He has expanded.

As the regulatory state tries to regulate him, the state has lost control of those under the state radar. So far.

Cody’s site: DefCAD.

If you want a metal gun may I suggest this table top CNC:



There are other brands out there.

Update: 0037z 13 November 2013

Laser sintering for a metal gun.

H/T scalziand






2 responses to “The Liberator”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Like what he’s doing, but his answer to her could have used work.

  2. Neil Avatar

    Laser sintering on your desk is coming. Then it’s Katy bar the door.