Government Is Wasting Your Time

Yep. It is now official. Government is wasting your time.

Insurance consultant Robert Laszewski, who has been working with health plans selling insurance on the exchanges, told The Washington Post this week that he wouldn’t even bother using the federal exchange system himself, and would advise others to avoid it. “People are just wasting their time,” he said, adding that fixes haven’t been forthcoming. “There’s no evidence of any improvement so far.”

The CEO of Aetna, meanwhile, told CNBC that testing of the system has been done on the fly, and that health insurers—who are connected directly to the exchange systems—didn’t get the code to connect their systems until a month before the exchanges opened. He predicted that it could be three years until all the problems are solved.

No word yet on whether the fines taxes for not having approved insurance will be delayed.

And ONLY three years to correct the problems? It is a government program. All reasonable estimates should be multiplied by a number from 2 to 10 to find out the actual time it will take to correct the problems. And an estimate of infinity (i.e. never) is not unreasonable.

This is a case of cascading failure where fixes to a given problem will cause other problems. It is inevitable in ill thought out systems.

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem” – Ronald Reagan who first uttered similar words in 1964. That was almost 50 years ago. Evidently Obama was never a fan. Pity.

There is a claim that Obama is the smartest president ever. Too smart by half it appears.






One response to “Government Is Wasting Your Time”

  1. Aldomeir Avatar

    “could be three years until all the problems are solved.”

    After my brief stint at estimating a government job, I learned that the best estimate is to ask someone how long, then double the number and use the next higher time-division. This gets you in the ballpark for a truer estimate.

    Thus 3 years – double the 3 makes 6, and the next higher time-division from year is Decade…so the truer estimate is 6 Decades.

    Sounds about right to me!