These days, it takes nuts to have balls!

A lot of people keep talking about the young libertarian who had the unbridled temerity to stand up to police who had pulled him over without cause and who searched his car. Earlier I linked this, but it’s gone viral on YouTube now, so here it is.

Frankly, that officer and his attitude would scare the shit out of most people (including yours truly). Most of us would have complied with the officer’s demands, and considered ourselves lucky if things had not escalated, but not this guy. A friend called him a “21 year old with real balls” and I totally agree. I think he is a hero. And a real man. Many would consider him to be a nut, though, because they would never do that. Well, if he is a nut, we need more such nuts.

Sometimes it takes a nut.

(I’d say “especially when there are no men” but I don’t want to sound sexist, and it would not surprise me if there are plenty of nutty women who’d have the balls to stand up to a bully cop.)






2 responses to “These days, it takes nuts to have balls!”

  1. dantealiegri Avatar

    I think there are pushy cops, and then there are crazy cops. I’ve dealt with some pushy cops. I would hope I would know a crazy cop, so I wouldn’t end up beaten and thrown in jail, having to defend against a trumped up charge.

    I second your call that he is a hero. He did what a citizen should do. Stand up for their constitutional rights in a firm but unwavering manner and give the police a reminder they have a choice to be citizens with us, or tools for the state.

  2. […] hand update! “A 21 year old with real balls,” and “a hero.” Yep, agreed. Is this guy perchance from New England? If so, maybe there’s hope after […]