Let Us Honor Trayvon Martin

President Obama says we should honor Trayvon Martin. OK I’m down with that. Here is Martin’s Twitter screen name. Suitably enlarged for a memorial.

No Limit Nigga

That would be the son the President never had. I hope the President is suitably honored as well.

I guess I should mention lest the PC police descend on me that I HATE gangsta culture. Chris Rock doesn’t like gangsta culture too much either. And I’m not too fond of Obama my own self.






19 responses to “Let Us Honor Trayvon Martin”

  1. CTimbo Avatar

    Out of curiosity I looked to see the significance of the screen name. “No Limit Nigga’s” is a rap/hip hop song with a theme and lyrics you might expect.

    My own kids are approximately the same age as Martin and I know how they get caught up in popular music. I suspect he considered this his theme song and somehow identified with it. Although I am out of my element in understanding this kind of “music”, it appears to glorify drugs and gangsta behavior. Go figure.

  2. TheAJ Avatar

    What are you doing on the internet? Shouldn’t you be bunkering down? Don’t you that there’s thousands of Trayvon’s rioting out there right now? The death toll is up above 50 right? What count do you have?

  3. newrouter Avatar

    “No Limit Nigga” stumbled upon a limit

  4. Simon Avatar


    I am ready for trouble. And I’m lucky to have a former police officer next door. Caught him wearing a NORML T shirt a year or so back. I was impressed.

    But not to worry there have been ten shootings (four dead) in my town of 150,000 in the last 10 days. Black on Black. Evidently none of those boys getting shot or the shooters are the son the President never had. Pity.

    I think the reason there was not much of a ruckus is that 49 of 50 states allow concealed carry. And folks were ready.

    Besides. Detroit is a sign post. It is in ruins. Watts has never been the same.

    But keep your eye on West and O’Mara. They will Nifong the prosecution of this case. But it will take time. Be patient.

  5. Simon Avatar

    And as long as we are at it AJ perhaps you would care to comment on this:


  6. SteveBrooklineMA Avatar

    I wonder if President Obama ever considered that he may end up with a grandson who looks like George Zimmerman.

  7. Frank Avatar

    AJ, there are many ways to get even besides burning down your neighborhood. Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson admitted to spitting in white people’s food when he worked as a cook. That black nurse who draws blood next time and punches through the vein? Maybe it’s an accident, and maybe it’s not. Life can be such a bitch, my honky.

  8. Jennifer Krieger Avatar
    Jennifer Krieger

    There’s a dead boy and a ruined man. That gun did a lot of damage.

  9. Simon Avatar


    It wasn’t the gun. It was the assault.

  10. Simon Avatar


    Rule of thumb: “An armed society is a polite society.” Evidently Trayvon was not polite enough for the society he lived in.

    Most unfortunate.

  11. Jennifer Krieger Avatar
    Jennifer Krieger

    As far as I’m concerned, looking at news reports, if you’re black you had better not count on stand your ground. Not in Florida.
    You’re right, it wasn’t the gun. It was the shooter.

  12. Simon Avatar


    If you are in the process of continuing an assault you have no right to stand your ground.

    Zim asked Trayvon to stop. Good asked him to stop. He shoulda stopped.

    It is in fact safer to go home than to be assaulting some one.

    You are aware that Trayvon had some difficulty with assault before. He assaulted a school bus driver.

  13. Simon Avatar

    You can read more about the race hustlers who orchestrated the case here:


  14. Simon Avatar

    And Jenifer this Black Man’s take might interest you:


  15. Frank Avatar

    It was a modern day lynching according to Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP.

    What really matters is the name you succeed in imposing on the facts, not the facts themselves.
    Cohen’s Law

  16. Jennifer Krieger Avatar
    Jennifer Krieger

    I believe Trayvon WAS going home. HE-Man Zimmerman had to show him who was boss. He did. Good for him, you all say.

  17. Simon Avatar


    You can believe what ever you want.

    However, in engineering we require evidence.

    So far the only evidence available is from Rachael who says he WAS home – or at least in the vicinity.

    So how did he get back up 400 ft. to the “T” to get in an altercation with Zim?

    Zim went to his place and dragged him 400ft kicking and screaming? Got any evidence?

    You are typical of the low information types who don’t know the evidence and have the time line confused. Once you have done that – well anything is possible. Have the unicorns delivered your leprechaun gold to you yet?

    And you are aware that Tray had a recent history of assault (a school bus driver) and possession of stolen goods (jewelery). Zim had no such recent history. And you are aware are you not of Zim’s tutoring two Black kids and his standing up for (Black man) Ware are you not?

    You are aware that Zim is part Black are you not?


    You are aware that the real crime in the Black community is Black on Black violence and the unequal enforcement of Prohibition laws are you not?


    If you are aware you ought to get off of Zim’s case and work on real crimes. You have been pwned by the race hustlers.

    Sharpton – Tawanna Brawley

    and you might also look up his involvement in the Duke Lacrosse case.

    This case will be another he can add to his resume. Give it time. Eventually enough truth will come out so that even you can see it.

  18. DJ Avatar

    MSimon: If you’re doing a Sharpton resume, you can’t leave out Freddie’s. That one had a body count.

    It boggles the mind that a serial inciter to race riot can be taken seriously as a candidate for president and become a commentator on a major cable network.

    And Jennifer: You do know that the Stand Your Ground law had nothing to do with this case. Right? I also wonder on what grounds you believe that TM was going home, when the undisputed evidence shows that he could have easily made it home if he had wanted to get there.