When Abortion Wasn’t So Important

From the comments here.

I am an evangelical minister and I do remember, with the same concern, this evangelical political turning towards the what was then termed as the Catholic Issue of Abortion. I had a Catholic friend who challenged me when the Supreme Court decision was rendered in 1973 about what she perceived as the a-moral Protestant/Evangelical indifference towards it. I am a witness to many conversations with other Protestant/Evangelicals at the time who were indeed completely indifferent and it did cause me to wonder why that attitude changed so much in just seven short years. Some might say the abortion issue was the cause of a “Great Awakening” of the Evangelical church politically, but others may more rightly say it was the issue that Hijacked the Evangelical Movement to the Republican party.






9 responses to “When Abortion Wasn’t So Important”

  1. newrouter Avatar

    “more rightly say it was the issue that Hijacked the Evangelical Movement to the Republican party. ”

    slavery was a lot like dat

  2. Will Avatar

    Abortion issue: a destructive positive energy feedback loop that tends to destroy the individual critical thought process. Commonly used by politicians to gain media attention, raise money and/or quickly establish a significant voter base.

  3. Simon Avatar


    It is also losing Republicans elections.

    Akin. Mourdock.

    Throw in the Drug War and “libertarians out of the party” and they are in for a rough ride for a few years. Or longer.

  4. Simon Avatar

    Here is something I didn’t know:

    And don’t forget Joe Walsh. He claimed that “with modern technology and science” there is absolutely no need for abortions for the health of the mother. He lost his IL House seat last night.

    from the comments at:


  5. newrouter Avatar

    “Akin. Mourdock. ”

    alinsky rule 13 – Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

    thanks for playing the proggtard game

  6. Simon Avatar


    Well I was merely pointing out a couple of losers to make my point.

    But you are in another way quite correct. I’m a libertarian trained in the Alinsky method. And since the Republican Party as constituted doesn’t want libertarians it is my aim to destroy them. How am I doin?

    I would like to see a libertarian majority in Congress come 2014. Baring that I’d settle for a Democrat majority.

    BTW if you read your Torah there are several examples of people who were ostracized from the society they belonged to opening the gates of the city to the enemy. Will I, like them, be destroyed by it? To be sure. But I will have my revenge. Sweet.

    My advice? Republicans ought to be making allies not enemies. Something I have been advising for 4 or 5 years. Will the advice be taken? Well I detect a certain hardness of heart. OK by me.

  7. Simon Avatar

    I’m taking the Sampson option.

    Now in the Torah and in the New Testament especially hardness of heart is one of the civilization ending sins. Take it to heart.

  8. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    Did the pro-life movement erase racism? Last month, pro-lifers had a March for more brown people to be born.

    This has been noticed by racists, much to their disgust.

  9. Simon Avatar


    Another question. Has the pro-life movement enabled another generation of abortion foes and socialists?