Too Much Money In It

Would that be Hillary Clinton on the Drug War? Nope. Pablo Escobar’s hit man on the Drug War.

“People like me can’t be stopped. It’s a war. They lose men, and we lose men. They lose their scruples, and we never had any. In the end, you’ll even blow up an aircraft because you believe the Colombian president is on board. I don’t know what you have to do. Maybe sell cocaine in pharmacies. I’ve been in prison for 20 years, but you will never win this war when there is so much money to me made. Never.”

I’m sitting face to face with a killer: Popeye, an evil product of hell. And I’m afraid that the killer could be right.

The killer is right.

H/T Frank.






One response to “Too Much Money In It”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    It might be interesting if we could trace donations to anti-drug PACS and such. I suspect the drug cartels actually spend a lot to keep drugs illegal. You can’t make outrageous profits on legal drugs. And if you let your niche get legalized, big pharma might just cut you out.