Crimes Against Humanity

I thought it might be interesting to back up my statement:

Medical Marijuana prohibition is a crime against humanity and a violation of the religious precept – heal the sick.

We probably should start with a little evidence. A few links are in order for that.


CBD Science – HPLC Analysis

Immune System Modulation – Cannabis Science

Cannabis Strains And Their Effect

Comprehensive? No. But enough to get started. In 2010 there were about 2.5 million deaths in the USA. Marinol, which is synthetic THC, was approved for use in the USA in 1985.

For calculation purposes lets say that there were 2 million deaths a year in the USA from 1985 to 2012. A low number but good enough for our approximation. Let us say that 10% of those who died could have had their lives extended by 1 year if medical cannabis had been widely available. Probably a low number but good enough. The period in question is 27 years. So 200,000 (10% of 2 million) times 27 years is 5.4 million. So there you have it. Over 5 million premature deaths due to medical cannabis prohibition. And that does not even count the years before ’85 when the modern medical uses were less well known.

We are well into Nazi territory with those numbers. Crimes against humanity indeed.






5 responses to “Crimes Against Humanity”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Hillary got it right. “We Can’t Legalize Drugs Because ‘There Is Just Too Much Money in It.’

    Hate her as you will, she’s right. We’ve got to figure a way to take the money out before they know.

  2. Phil Mickey Avatar
    Phil Mickey

    Wow.I agree with you about medical marijuana, but to equate its prohibition with the deliberate shooting, gassing, starving and working to death of millions of innocent people is really. . .unfathomable.

  3. Simon Avatar


    The Nazis denied people medicine. And the people in power know what they are doing and prefer to cover it up as a “moral” or “law enforcement” issue.

    The first rumblings about medical marijuana go back to laws passed by some states starting in the early 70s. And Irv Rosenfeld in 1983 Federally:

    They know. And the American people know.

    Now about those Nazis…..

  4. Simon Avatar


    Drug Enforcement Administration administrative law judge Francis Young rules in favor of NORML to make cannabis a medicine, citing among many affirming reasons “Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”

    The Reagan administration and Department of Justice appealed DEA administrative law judge Young’s ruling seeking to uphold a total ban on cannabis—even for sick, dying or sense-threatened medical patients whose physicians recommend cannabis as a safe and non-toxic therapeutic agent.

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