Anarchy – Definition

Definition: Anarchy – A government passing laws people will not obey.







5 responses to “Anarchy – Definition”

  1. Captain Ned Avatar
    Captain Ned

    How many Federal felonies does the average American commit between the time they get up in the morning and the time they get to work?

    It’s not zero, but I’ve got no idea how many.

  2. TMI Avatar

    Simple repudiation.

    See it every day. Folks talking and texting while driving.

    Soccer moms are arrogantly defiant.

    The center cannot hold.

  3. DiogenesLamp Avatar

    Like laws against murder, rape, robbery? Would you suggest that we should not have these laws which some people will not obey?

    The notion that we should not have laws simply because not everyone will obey them is a strange idea to me. It would seemingly make it worse if EVERYBODY did not obey them, rather than just a small group of miscreants.

  4. Simon Avatar


    Most people will obey those laws without passing them. That is why enforcing them is not too expensive.

    The kind of laws they won’t obey are substance prohibition laws. You know – like the one they passed a Constitutional Amendment for.

    When you make vice a crime, crime becomes merely a vice.