Social Darwinism

Ulsterman seems to be having a difficult time understanding what the Wall Street Insider is saying this week.

Wall Street Insider: So….why do you fail to connect the dots here? The very essence….the very plan….the Goddamn roadmap of where these people intend to take us! Why have you not….Why? Just a bit of effort? You still don’t see what is there! You still…you still won’t truly take that walk will you? And if you are unwilling…then…then…who? If you cannot see….who can? What…is this all lost? Is this…is…Social Darwinism…Nazism…collapsing valuation…fear…division…and centralized control of course…purging of those who prove unwilling…political purging…military purging….it’s all there. Right in front of you…all of it…

(whispering)…………..damn you.

UlsterMan: I don’t understand.

Well maybe I can explain it to you. Let us first start with some video:

OK? The Democrats are accusing the Republicans of Social Darwinism. Which is to say a plan to get rid of the unfit and unworthy. Nazism in short. Except that such a plan and practice is the whole premise of ObamaCare. Death Panels I believe Sarah Palin said. Well how else can they possibly “bend the curve” unless they stop treating those no longer fit to live?

So what is going on? It is straight up Alinsky. I believe it comes under Rule 12 (there may be others). Accuse your opponents of what you are planning. That way when things go bad wrong the perception of the public is that the accused (as opposed to the perpetrators) are to blame. As explained by a commenter:

Rebel Yell
April 17, 2012 at 11:37 pm

EAB [another commenter], it is projection, ie., blaming the other side for what you are doing. It is an Alinsky tactic.

Here is another one I liked.

April 17, 2012 at 8:45 pm

Well said indeed, on all fronts. What the totalitarians denounce as the law of the jungle they intend to make the law of the land! It’s all for the children but only certain children; the fit. But it is a political fitness above all. UM was not grokking the specific accusation I think but it is eugenics at its core. Mated to anti-semetism and socialism, what do you have? Nothing but the swastika.

Another commenter discussed Goebbel’s Principles of Propaganda. I think rule 13 is applicable.

13. Propaganda must be carefully timed.

a. The communication must reach the audience ahead of competing propaganda.

b. A propaganda campaign must begin at the optimum moment

c. A propaganda theme must be repeated, but not beyond some point of diminishing effectiveness

There are a lot of interesting comments at the post. You might want to read a few more.



