I’ve Completely Lost My Mind

On my own blog.

I’ve posted on the supposed war on women here before, from a slightly different perspective.  Today’s outbreak came because I-have-had-enough-of-this.

I shared a Heinlein quote poster about how forcing a man to pay for anything he doesn’t want is the worst of tyrannies.  I meant it in general: say, pacifists paying for war; vegans paying for meat subsidies; libertarians paying for the war on drugs.

THOSE are the reasons for keeping government small and war only when needed and… oh, heck, it’s fairly obvious, isn’t it?  Don’t force people to pay for things they are violently opposed to.

I’d forgotten that in the United States there is ONLY ever one controversy and only EVER on constituency affected, and that’s whatever is in the news at the moment — the mostly manufactured news.  So, in minus three seconds, someone was screaming about the war on women.

And then I lost my mind, and I violated my rule about no politics on my blog — which gets echoed on my facebook page.  By morning I’ll have half my friends AND the only Publishing House that will deal with me is Baen.  Bah.

I’ve set fire to the bridges.  Come and help me roast marshmallows over at my blog.






6 responses to “I’ve Completely Lost My Mind”

  1. Simon Avatar

    If I can find a can I will bring some gasoline. And if I can “find” a tanker I’ll bring a truckload. 😉

  2. Simon Avatar

    And wouldn’t you know it? I have been listening to “Hijack” by the Airplane/Starship. The finest Science Fiction Band, evah. So far. A little to far to the left for my political tastes these days. But could they ever put a book to music. “War Movie” is another good one. I forget the name of the book it was based on.

  3. Simon Avatar

    The 13th Battalion of Mind Raiders. 300 Master Computer Killers. Oh. Yeah.

  4. […] recent post I’ve Completely Lost My Mind got me to thinking in a rambling sort of way (you can follow the thoughts in the comments at the […]

  5. Bram Avatar

    Congrats on the link from PJMedia.

  6. […] to be waged by Republicans! How can such foolish logic be taken seriously by anyone? Sarah has several excellent posts on the subject (if you haven’t read them I suggest doing so), and what I […]