Raising Cain in the race

Floridians are not alone in thinking that Herman Cain won the debate.

Erick Erickson also thinks so, and so does Ed Morrissey, who says that by citing his own battle with colon and liver cancer, Cain delivered the most devastating (and best) argument against ObamaCare and government encroachment in health care.

Here it is:


Who wouldn’t expect an argument like that to do well in Florida?

And then there’s what he said about Israel:

“when you mess with Israel, you’re messing with the United States of America.”


I also like his vintage debate with Bill Clinton:

Obviously the man has been against socialized health care for a long time. But as we all know, he can’t win. That’s because the Republicans don’t want to be seen as being influenced by race no matter how much they are.

The real racists are those (like me) who don’t consider race an issue.

(It goes without saying that if you think race is not an issue, you are a fool, and if you don’t think race should be an issue, you don’t belong in politics. You belong on another planet.)






6 responses to “Raising Cain in the race”

  1. TMI Avatar


    The perfect conundrum. As a white guy, the more I remonstrate that I’m not racist, the more my assertion is interpreted as a racist reaction.

    Ignoring the denotation is arrogant.

    It is true, that the only positive defense is Reverend King’s injunction, do you wish me to judge by the colour of skin, or by the content of character?

    “These things affect white people badly. They affect black people badly. Why must you see these as the effects of colour, rather than the affects on character?”

  2. Joe Mama Avatar
    Joe Mama

    “But as we all know, he can’t win.”

    Never say never. That’s how we got the “never ran anything in his life” community organizer.

  3. Jenny Avatar

    Word going around is that many people actually believe that their doctor will have to get an OK from Beautocrat X for each and every procedure.
    At first this surprised me, but now it doesn’t.

  4. Bram Avatar

    I like Cain a lot. Probably more than anyone except Gary Johnson.

    I respond to accusations of racism with blistering profanity and anatomically impossible suggestions. I find that gets the job done better than denial.

  5. Frank Avatar

    In the clip of Herman Cain with Bubba, he exposes the stupidity of Clinton with a factual recounting of the law of diminishing returns, by example of his own workforce and mandated health care. Brilliant.

    He is a practical businessman and would make a great Secretary of Commerce in a Palin administration.

  6. […] Herman Cain,” because it reminded me of my superciliously convoluted explanation of why Cain can’t win: He can’t win. That’s because the Republicans don’t want to be seen as being […]