The President Speaks Sense


“The proposition that the government is always right is manifested either in corruption or benefits to ‘preferred’ companies,” he said.

“My choice is different. The… economy ought to be dominated by private businesses and private investors. The government must protect the choice and property of those who willingly risk their money and reputation.”

[He] said that the country must begin to attack the problem immediately to avoid “the point of no return from the (economic) models that are moving the country backwards.”

“Corruption, hostility to investment, excessive government role in the economy and the excessive centralization of power are the taxes on the future that we must and will scrap,” he said.

Well, it’s about time. But hold on, don’t stand up and start belting out “The Star-Spangled Banner” in a frenzy of patriotic fervor just yet. That was actually the President of… Russia.






2 responses to “The President Speaks Sense”

  1. TMI Avatar


    Do you have an irony meter?

  2. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    That was Medvedev??