Weiner Caught In A Bind

Or maybe more accurately, in his boxers.

So, what seems to have happened is that Representative Weiner accidentally tweeted a very salacious, Brett Favre-esque picture of his appellatory appendage to the whole world instead of one pretty 22-year-old, then spent the next few hours frantically shrieking “Undo! Undo!” and claiming he’d been hacked.

Keep an eye on the identity theft angle of the story.  For one, there’s a “crying wolf” aspect to that part of the story that is damning when you consider the suffering of real victims of identity theft (a fairly large and aggrieved set of people), and for another, once the claim is made there has to be an official investigation, right?  I mean, he’s a Congressman.

…and then, once the professionals look at things like, oh say the IP addess that originated the tweet, maybe phone calls to a certain young woman in Seattle around the time her Web presence started mysteriously disappearing… well then my friends, the Weiner is well and truly cooked.  Remember, it wasn’t long ago a Congressman resigned for a shirtless pic.

Oddly, Weiner doesn’t seem to have called the authorities as of yet. Not to worry, though: thanks to YFrogger JGtheSheep,  we know the government already has top men on the case. Top men.

(h/t to the indefatigable Glenn)






One response to “Weiner Caught In A Bind”

  1. Madalyn Avatar

    HAHA – It was a given that if he got caught playing “naughty” he would try and lie his way out. HAHAHA