A Narcotics Officer Speaks Out

If you want to leave a comment on the video at YouTube you can use this link.
Links to the organizations mentioned at the beginning of the talk.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Drug Policy Forum Of Texas
And another organization not mentioned headed by retired Detective Howard Wooldridge:
Citizens Opposing Prohibition
Some thoughts on the video:
The video provides statistics that will knock your socks off. Among them:
Before the start of the War On Drugs (WOD) in 1970 1.3% of the population had an addiction problem. After 40 years of effort what is the number? 1.3%.
OK what was the number before the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914? About 1.3%.
He argues that the WOD is actually the vector that has spread drug use. He provides facts and figures to back up that assertion.
He talks about addicts being able to go to a clinic with a prescription to get their drugs. I don’t think that will work because it assumes the addict doesn’t value his time. Think about having to go to a clinic 4 or 6 times a day for his fix. Possible if there is a clinic is on every corner. What are the odds?
How do you hold down a job if you have to go to that clinic 4 or 6 times a day?
You don’t. So what will happen in such a regime? The dealers will be back to sell a day or a weeks supply.
We don’t make pain patients visit a clinic every few hours for their pain meds. Why should drug addicts be any different?
Russ Jones (the speaker in the video) has a blog. Let me quote you from a letter Russ received.

Steve and I have had this conversation many times. This is a tough issue but here are the facts. I’ve been a recreational drug user. Not now, but in my earlier college years, the years I was on the dean’s list and getting selected to be the commencement speaker at my graduation. Steve has been a recreational drug user for a while, the whole time maintaining an impeccable record in school and work.
Even Jimmy Allison was a recreational drug user while finishing medical school and excelling in his career (he hasn’t used for many years though). The point is, the concepts that people have of drug users is that of the homeless junkie or the woman with seven kids on welfare. All these are racially charged notions, particularly of the black and Latino populations. The reality is that the vast majority of people who use recreational drugs are professionals, educators, and students on their way to becoming leaders (take Clinton and Bush, for example).
I believe that if drugs were legalized, then they could be regulated. Once regulated, the government would nullify the illegal trade of narcotics and turn billions of dollars for stopping the drug trade into billions of dollars earned. They would also be able to officially recognize the problem and start addicts on programs that could help them kick the habit.
Drugs don’t fry your brain. Trust me. I and most of my friends are living proof

The author of the letter is still falling for the “drugs cause addiction” line. No they don’t. If they did why isn’t “Terry” still a user? Other than that he makes some very good points. As does Russ Jones.
Cross Posted at Power and Control






One response to “A Narcotics Officer Speaks Out”

  1. […] Another video of Russel Jones speaking out against the Drug War along with a text full of facts and figures. Print PDF Categories: Uncategorized 0 Comments […]