“It ain’t [America] no more”

So “explains” the officer who works at the Fairfax Public School, as he threatens to arrest a man for displaying an anti-Obama sign he does not like.

From Veeshir, who adds,

This stuff is supposed to happen in North Korea, China and Massachussetts, not Virginia.

So where’s the ACLU when you need ’em?
MORE: Link fixed. Thanks again Veeshir!






8 responses to ““It ain’t [America] no more””

  1. rhhardin Avatar

    I think it’s just an officer who is not very bright.

  2. 11B40 Avatar

    1) The Ghost of Zimbabwe Future
    2) Zimbabwe wasn’t built in a day.
    3) Get tough or get use to it.

  3. Frank Avatar

    Eating While Driving
    California’s enlightened legislature is considering a ban.
    Have a nice day.

  4. Rich Vail Avatar

    Welcome to the new world order. If you don’t support the The One, you will be detained and re-educated into the correct way of thinking.

  5. Anonymous for a reason Avatar
    Anonymous for a reason

    In recent months, the totalitarian left has finally begun reveal themselves in public. Masks Off indeed.
    The radical dems are acting like they never need face the voters again – like the fix is in, forever. This is the end-game, and those of us who oppose them must realize that mid-game guides to action will soon no longer apply. There is no avoiding the final confrontation, IMO. Are we ready, no matter what happens? Or will we be un-prepared, disunited, divided, un-coordinated and overwhelmed one by one – defeated in detail?
    They have control of all the levers of state and the commanding heights of the MSM, Acedemia, Hollywood, Industry, etc. The continuing threats to our lines of communication (AM radio, the net, etc.) and vehicles of peaceful action and protest is ongoing. When they strike, and close them all down, it will be too late.
    Someone or someones should prepare for this, instead of trusting that the mid-game rules will still be usable. I am not that person – I don’t have the skills, ability or the life situation; but the need is clear. Duplicate lines of communications that can’t be interdicted. Underground organizations and leadership that cannot be targeted. Preparing for the worst (a full fascist flowering), instead of just hoping for the best (that our opponents will obey the constitution and the law).

  6. Veeshir Avatar

    When they published my first story in the first school paper I wrote for, they spelled the name right I guess. It just wasn’t my name.
    Now, my first “H/T” as a blogger and the link’s bad.
    And people wonder why I’m so paranoid.

  7. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Veeshir, aren’t you forgetting Hanlon’s Razor?

  8. M. Simon Avatar

    Clearly this applies to the “police” officer:
    Simon’s Law:
    It is unwise to attribute to malice alone that which can be attributed to malice and stupidity.
    Either that or racism.