Month: October 2008

  • The PUMA Question

    In the comments on my post A Funny Thing Happened In The Voting Booth commenter Dr. Nobel Dynamite made the following point. “Not to mention the PUMA factor.” [that was me – ed.] You need to turn off the propaganda for a while, my friend. Just because Neil Cavuto trots out a cigarette hag that…

  • More on the respectable Mr. Ayers

    In a riveting interview piece titled “Eyewitness to the Ayers Revolution,”Bob Owens has more on the incredible story of the plan (by Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and others) to kill 25 million Americans: Pajamas Media: You stated in your interview in No Place to Hide that you wanted us to “imagine sitting in a room…

  • It Is Not About Race

    Howard Stern goes to Harlem and asks some man on the street questions. You have to wonder why the Shrinking Media can’t do stuff like this. Did I mention that the Christian Science Monitor is going weekly and the LA Times is laying off 75 more? And that there is a general circulation decline? H/T…

  • In chilling detail

    “Rain and snow this evening. A snow shower or two overnight” That’s tonight’s Yahoo weather forecast for Ann Arbor. And this is only October! Where’s my global warming? I realize weather is not climate, but I’m not all that cheered up by this chart: Moreover, I see that Ann Arbor is not alone. In fact,…

  • “We are not amused!”

    How dare a local Philadelphia CBS affiliate ask Joe Biden anything but softball questions? How dare they? Naturally, the station has been put on the campaign blacklist. Hmmm… With all the talk about media bias, I think outlets like this should be singled out for praise. I’m also wondering whether pliant news outlets that inevitably…

  • Dean Barnett, R.I.P.

    I’m sorry to read (via Hugh Hewitt) that Dean Barnett has died. Hugh Hewitt remembers him, and his inspiring desire to live despite a battle with Cystic Fibrosis that shortened his life: Dean told me early in our friendship that his disease had forced him to deal with the possibility of living too short a…

  • A Funny Thing Happened In The Voting Booth

    Red State has an interesting anecdote about some Democrats who got together to vote early. Yesterday, I heard a great story from a friend who describes herself as a “Legacy Democrat” she says that everyone in her family has been a registered Democrat as far back as she can remember – parents, grandparents, great-grandparents… you…

  • “Thank God for guns!”

    In an email, I was sent a painfully funny video showing a character played by the buffoonish William Shatner who Newsbusters describes as, “helping” Barack Obama as he defends the Second Amendment. I’ve never seen the series it’s from, but the episode is discussed here.

  • Noose. Mannequin. Some assembly required.

    A mannequin dressed up to look like Sarah Palin is hanging by a noose in front of a West Hollywood home. WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) ? A Halloween decoration showing a mannequin dressed as vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin hanging by a noose from the roof of a West Hollywood home is drawing giggles from…

  • No explanation possible. No explanation needed.

    I love this explanation of the tax code which has been floating around for several years: Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this: The first four…

  • No wonder they hate Joe the Plumber

    Speaking of outrages, don’t miss the recording of an on air PBS interview from 2001 in which Barack Obama discusses how best to implement the redistribution of wealth. (M. Simon linked it earlier, and I don’t want to be duplicative, so just scroll down to his post to listen.) Obama says that the courts might…

  • Trolling for success, and the paradox of “outrage”

    I think I’ve figured out what may be going on with the Philadelphia Inquirer writer whose recent column argued that white people should not be allowed to vote, and because it touches on a longstanding paradox, I thought it merited a post. This is not about the merits of the deliberately inflammatory argument that white…

  • The Problem Is White People

    Yep. White people are messing up the election. But there is a fix for that. Don’t allow them to vote. As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come to take the right to vote away from white people, at least until we come to our senses. Seriously, I just…

  • You Have Too Much Money

    This bit by Obama advocating wealth redistribution was up at Drudge but I got my hint from Hill Buzz. One point that Hill Buzz makes is that the Obots have not shown up to contest this bit of history. Here is their theory: Whenever Obama is in trouble, these people clam up. The worse something…

  • The New Aristocrats

    Sgt. Mom looks at the deep wounds Sarah Palin has opened in the guts of the American aristocracy. Sarah is not one of them. She is a mom with five children. Way above the 2.1 considered normal. She kills her own food. A job best left to the servants. All in all a backwoods rube…

  • Steyn supports Obama!

    Apparently there’s no end to defecting conservatives: I’m announcing my full support for Senator Obama because trillion-dollar-a-go-go entitlements, tax hikes, socialized health care, and federally-funded day care for three-year-olds are exactly what we small-government conservatives are looking for. So says Mark Steyn, in a real shocker which Glenn Reynolds linked earlier. Better read it all.…

  • On bended knee

    A few choice quotes, as overheard at the United Nations: One American employee here seemed puzzled that he was being asked whether Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was even a consideration. “Obama was and is unstoppable,” the official said. “Please, God, let him win,” he added. […] “It would be hard to find anybody, I think,…

  • Investors like me are being hit hard at the pump!

    Gas prices are falling so fast that I’m actually worried: CAMARILLO, Calif. (AP) – A national survey shows gas prices continue to decline, tumbling nearly 53 cents a gallon in the last two weeks. The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline at self-serve stations was $2.78 Friday. Mid-grade was at $2.93 and premium…

  • Computer Wars

    Obama’s Computer McCain’s Computer

  • Worth A Bucket

    The folks at Hillbuzz have managed to corner a Real Pollster™ to find out what is really going on in this election. I was having dinner a night ago with a friend of mine who is a statistician for a well-regarded private polling company. They do some work for Republicans in California, but most of…