Delink is deleast I deserve!

Via this radio show (transcript here, via the YodelMeister), I just heard that a blogger I’d never wanted to hear of — one Malachy Joyce (sex unknown, but who has been described as a “pissy little Buchananite“) — has started an official delinking campaign, and he or she has accordingly delinked the following blogs (what follows is the actual html; I’d love to know why so many multiple links are provided for the letters of each delinked link):


Not sure what their crimes were, as I can’t keep up with the fast and furious fur-flying these days. But I imagine they said stuff with which M. Joyce disagrees.
To my mind, that is no reason to delink anyone. I have plenty of links to people who have not only disagreed with me, but who have insulted me. I try to be as polite as I can no matter what the insults, and occasionally I cross my own line of civility, although I try not to let it happen too often. There is no duty whatsoever to give anyone a link, but delinking is a squalid thing to do. In fact, I agree with Frank J., who said it’s the ultimate insult to a blogger.
I have never delinked anyone, and I have no plans to. Even when I have been deliberately delinked (as happened at least one time that I know of), I deliberately didn’t delink in return.
But I have to admit to feeling a little neglected here, knowing that I’m not even good enough to deserve a delinking from ol’ hunnert percent of whatever it is that’s being totaled.
Waaaahhhhh! Nobody hates me!
(And I’m still waiting for the Classical Values Watch. . . .)
UPDATE: From Bill at INDC (link via InstaPundit), I just found out that 100% Trash is probably just another Hillary Clinton operative. . .
(Sometimes I’m easily fooled.)
UPDATE (04/01/05): As of this morning, I’ve apparently been delinked by my own blog! I’m speechless, and I can offer no explanation for this outrageous insult . . . I knew my self esteem was low — but this goes too far.
MORE: Glenn Reynolds has apologized. And it’s about time. In fact, it’s long overdue. But how can any apology begin to restore the wreckage of countless ruined lives, blended puppies, and dreadfully exploited protest babes?
Nevertheless, bleeding heart, incessantly-whining libertarian that I am, I think this threat to take away Glenn’s Legos is a tad harsh. After all, he tried to be good, and he’s promised not to do it again!
MORE: Retrofuturistic (who has had the good sense to delink me deliberately and redundantly) adds an important point to this debate:

[T]his Malachy Joyce character has never heard of Blog Retrofuturistic.

Well, I have! And Retrofuturistic has a much finer blog too — which I’d heard of before I’d heard of hunnert percenter.
BTW, the argument about anti-Semitism is interesting, and while I’m not sure the beenie remark completely proves it, considering this announcement — HUNDREDPERCENTER RE-ADDED TO GOOGLE NEWS! — I’d say the evidence is accumulating. . .






8 responses to “Delink is deleast I deserve!”

  1. Sigivald Avatar

    As I understand it, the “crime” in question was not supporting Every Possible Effort Maybe Even Including Sending In The National Guard, to save Terri Schiavo.
    Or something like that.

  2. retrofuturistic Avatar

    I enjoy your blog far too much to ever seriously de-link you.
    But … since you really want to be de-linked by someone somewhere sometime, I’ve taken the liberty of adding a second link to your blog on my blogroll list (link to my wholly unread graciously provided by clicking on my name). Then, tomorrow, I’ll find something on your page to get all panty-wadded over, and I’ll de-link you in a hissy-fit of righteous indignation.
    But since I’ll only take out the second link, it’s a win for everybody! You’re not being left out from the de-linking festivities and I’ll still have one intact link.

  3. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Not sure there’s anything left here to delink!
    They’ve taken over my blog, and given me 24 hours to clean up my act or get out!

  4. mdmhvonpa Avatar

    Hmmm, some blogs there that I need to add to my list … thnx for the tip.

  5. John Avatar

    Eric, I feel great compassion for you. Therefore, I’ve launched a delinking campaign against you here.

  6. Eric Scheie Avatar

    John I have turned over a new cheek — just for you!

  7. jeff Avatar

    Never mind, the whole thing was a hoax by that thong-wearing smart-aleck strumpet Sondra K